Why Spirituality Matters

I am a deeply spiritual person and over my lifetime I have been a member of organised religion, an agnostic and have had periods of my life where I was more atheistic in my outlook, I consider all of these aspects as part of my individual Spiritual journey. They have all led me to this exact moment in my life and in my Spiritual Development.

As Conscious Beings, I truly believe that there is a part of us that is always attempting to pull us back in alignment with our Spiritual Heart, which is why, I believe, many of us become Seekers of the Truth.

Some of us are brought up in religious traditions that have been part of our familial heritage for generations. Traditions are rarely questioned for their fundamental tenets, their rituals or their message.

Questioning is the path of the Spiritual Seeker.

Spirituality is an intensely personal experience. For me, it is a gradual, deepening connection between the very essence of who I am and a realisation of the connectivity between all things. The increasing understanding that all things have come from a central Source, that cultivating Love, Peace and Compassion can  not only save us as a species and also save our Planet Earth, but enrich our lives here, in every moment.  That is why, I believe, Spirituality matters.

Ultimately, it is coming to a realisation that a state of total harmony is possible upon our planet, by uniting together and ending all suffering. Spirituality is a striving to understand that which connects us all; animal, vegetable and mineral and to treat all aspects of life with equal amounts of respect.

We speak of 'Awakenings' in Spiritual and Esoteric movements and these experiences differ from person to person. The one common thread that I have found through talking to people who have under gone the Awakening process, is that it is less a process of 'becoming' something or someone new and more one of 'unbecoming'  who or what you are not. You get back to your self.

We awaken to ourselves as eternal beings of  Spirit consciousness and remember what it is to be the authentic individual, as a part of the Whole. 

My Spirituality helps to shape my daily experience. It inspires me to give gratitude for both the good and the bad in my life and is a catalyst that, I hope, will enable me to become the very best version of me. It is a path I walk everyday, one that is as everlasting as my Spirit.

What does Spirituality mean to you? Is it ritual or contemplative? Does it free you or inhibit you? Are you on a journey to Spiritual Awakening?

I'd love to hear your experiences in the comments below.

Love and Blessings


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