10 Best Tips for Raising Your Vibration Today!

  1. No Drama Mama! The calmer you are, the better you feel, the higher your vibration. Try to stay away from drama; TV, News, Mass Media, gossip, personal and family dramas 
  2. Does it bring me Joy? Before you act, think: 'will this make me happy?' You are not in this life to suffer and be miserable. Happiness is a high vibrational frequency, enjoy everything you do. 
  3. No Worries Worry is a wasted emotion. Fear is our ego speaking and trying to hold our Spirit prisoner. Let your Spirit soar and your frequency will follow. 
  4. Positive Intentions Accentuate the positive in your experience. If you think, speak and act with positive intention then not only will you draw more positivity to you, you'll operate from a higher frequency. 
  5. Cultivate Compassion We are all One. Treat everyone you meet with the Compassion and understanding that you would wish to be treated. This is the way to Peace in this World and a raising of all of our frequencies. 
  6. Learn to be Still Make time to sit in the quiet, undisturbed. For it is in this state that you can make contact with your Higher Self and begin to attune to the World of the Spirit. 
  7. Know your Sacred Self We all contain the Spark of the Divine Creative Consciousness, it is what makes us part of the Eternal Source and is our True Nature. You are Sacred and in treating yourself and others in light of this knowledge, your life can be lived for your very Highest Good, naturally raising your consciousness. 
  8. Nature equals Nurture Be gentle with yourself and remain attached to nature and the outdoors. It is well known that time spent in natural surroundings boosts your mood, therefore it restores us. You are a part of nature and spending time in clean, natural spaces is very nurturing, a frequency-raising act of self care. 
  9. Creative Focus We came into this incarnation to be co-creators of our reality; that is, to expand the Great Consciousness through our own awareness and creativity.  Any creative pursuit can provide therapeutic benefits and is a part of our Spiritual and emotional well being which needs to be expressed in order that we feel complete. A complete and balanced individual resonates at a higher frequency than those who do not have creative expression in their lives. 
  10. Hit a High Note Music is a quick and easy way to achieve a positive frame of mind, relaxation and access a higher awareness. Be careful which music you chose though; upbeat tunes with positive lyrics or classical pieces are best for a quick vibrational boost.

What are you go to Frequency-Raisers? Do you have any tips you'd like to share?
Please feel free to comment below. 

Love and Blessings


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