'Be The Lamplighters' - A Message from Spirit

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'Go forth and be the lamplighters. Use your own Divine Spark to ignite the spark in someone else and let your light shine into the darkness that another may see it.

For too long now, you have all been downcast and downhearted, forgetting that you too are sacred and a part of All Creation. Turn towards the warm glow of the Truth of Everything and let your flame be kindled by the Creator of All Things, the Source of All.

Once you are filled with light, then comes hope and hope is what you may pass on to others. The hope that there is a better way, a more enduring way, a more profitable way. For when our Spirit's illuminate one another we ALL benefit.

You are your Saviours. You choose how to live, how to behave towards one another; that responsibility, that burden, lies with you and you alone.
But fear not, the light within can never be extinguished it is perpetual, as the ever-coming dawn, the eternal sunrise, bringing burgeoning hope to a new day.

A new day, filled with wonderful possibilities.

No matter what is done or has been done to you, it matters not. The Light that you carry is your Soul, the Higher Self, the link to the All that can not ever be severed and through this connection flows peace and love and support and a never ending, non judgemental understanding of You. The Real You. The one we recognise when you close your eyes at night and you forget to hold all of those barriers in place.

The Light inside of you is a brilliant gift that is to be shared and you will only ever gain by sharing it, for nothing is ever lost.

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Wherever you go, be the burning flame that is a beacon to all those who suffer, the lonely, the hungry, the poor, the afraid, the hopeless, the grieving, the sick, the troubled.
For just as you may light their lamp, they will go on to light the lamp of another and another, until all your World is aglow with the Strength of love and beautiful, bounteous understanding.

For you are ever stronger and more Sacred than you may know.

Be the Light.

Peace Be Upon You. '

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A short message from my Spirit friends to share with you all today.

How could you shine your own light more brightly? Are you a beacon for lost souls? Do you think that helping others is a reward in itself?  How do you try to serve others?

As always, feel free to leave any comments below.

Love and Blessings.


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