'How do you know what a great change you could bring to the world, if you don't even try?'

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As I sit in a room in my home, which is dedicated to all aspects of my Spiritual work and development, I often find myself falling into in a light Trance.

It's quite common to all of us and is what most people understand as 'zoning out'.
I prefer to think of it as 'Zoning In' because it is a change of conscious awareness that allows me to become receptive to the thoughts and words of discarnate Spirit people and my Guides and Helpers on the Other Side of Life who usually take these opportunities to draw close to me and offer comfort, assistance or inspiration.

As I sat in my room today and tuned in, relaxing both my body and mind, I let myself drift gently down into that wonderful state of consciousness where we live our daydreams and musings. I became aware of a voice belonging to my band of wonderful helpers. They issued this question;

`How do you know what change you could make to the World if you don't even try? '

This heavenly guidance was a prompt for me to share with you today. 
Many of us, both those who are spiritually minded and those who are not, can often feel overwhelmed by the problems that our society, our peoples and our planet face today.  Never has there been a time of greater excess, materialism and technology, yet those who still suffer in poverty, unsanitary conditions with little or no health care, employment opportunities or education, cover large swathes of our Earth.

If we spend too much time ingesting negative news coverage on everything from politics to war, to financial crises and Climate Change, one might very well withdraw into one's own little world and feel completely impotent at the prospect of ever effecting any change.

Yet we each contain within us the power to effect change throughout the World, one step at a time. We draw our life force from the Creative Mind behind the Universe, that which made the stars and galaxies.

It is so important to remember that we are One, Human Race. Just because a person speaks a different language, has a different skin colour to us or follows different traditions, we must try not to lose sight of this fundamental Divine Law.

We are One, made by the same Creative Force, containing the same Etheric Essence, united in our Human and Spiritual Family.

The most important change you can make in the World is to Love another as yourself. True Compassion and Unconditional Love for others (both human and animal) are the hallmarks of a Spiritually Developed being.

We are not meant to exist separated from one another by material or imagined boundaries and eventually, when we pass to Spirit we will live together, as one Whole, all nations together. To begin to change the way our World is, we need to find more ways of accomplishing this wholeness right now, here on the Earth Plane.

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Change starts with one individual deciding that there must be a better way.
This is underlined by the Universal Law of Personal Responsibility-the immutable fact that every action we take is a personal choice and therefore every consequence that we experience is ours to own, completely. In understanding this we can begin to live far more consciously, and empowered, knowing that we are able to change any aspect of our lives and experience that is not positive. We are no longer at the whim of others, seeking to blame them for our own unhappiness.

By developing the Spiritual Self you may begin to become attuned to those loving beings on the other side of life who's only wish is to see an Earthly version of heaven, on our planet, today.
I believe that the reason people 'awaken', take an interest in esoteric subjects or begin to develop their Psychic Senses, is because our World needs an army of like minded people, who will work together for the purpose of bringing great change to our Planet. But this great change starts with you.
You are a powerful Spirit Being who's personal power cannot be contained. Whatever good you wish to do begins with that first step;

Turn off the news, the television, put down the newspapers and gossip magazines, all the material things that lower your vibration and raise your sights, your hearts and your minds by focusing on what you can do to make a change.

You know intrinsically what you would like your own life to be, you incarnated into the Earth Plane with a Spiritual Blueprint locked inside of you. You may have to work on finding the keys, but you will never know what changes you could make, if you do not try.

What small changes could you make to this World Today? Is all change positive? Why are people so afraid of change?
As always, please feel free to join in the conversation by commenting below.

Love and blessings


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