New Age or Ancient Wisdom?

Why are modern Esoteric Movements looked down upon by mainstream society when they could hold the key to All of Our futures?

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When people think of the New Age Movement they may visualise hippie festivals, the smell of patchouli oil, well travelled middle class people who have spent time in Ashrams in India or on retreats with indigenous peoples across the world. These New Agers, in some minds at least, speak a language of crystals, Shamanism, Energy Healing, Ancestral Karmic Emotions and being at one with nature.
The New Age movement itself is most widely thought to have been born out of 1960s counter-culture revolutions, as an antithesis to western norms and values and led by people who would do anything not to become their parents and grandparents. Some sources say that it can be traced back to a 1950s fascination with Space, Roswell Alien landings and the Sputnik generation, whilst others recognise a slightly more historical genesis, germinated by Swedenborg, Blatvatsky, and Bailey among others.

What we do understand about the New Age movement itself, is that it is an amalgam of esoteric, spiritual, holistic and healing ideologies, bought together under the umbrella of a dawning of the 'Age of Aquarius'; an Age of Humanity characterised by greater intuitive awareness, a uniting of all peoples, and a greater connection to the wisdom and inspiration of Higher Beings. A time when we learn to heal ourselves and our planet from years of destructive industrialisation, technological growth and pollution. 

Ancient Wisdom embodies the zeitgeist of the entire New Age philosophy, what we speak of now in terms of popularised jargon, is actually millenia old understanding.  

The movement itself has been maligned by many sectors of society and characterised in popular media as being populated by a certain type of people; stereotypically Anti-Establishment, even viewed by some as lazy, idealistic fantasists.  But what if the rise of the New Agers is simply a return to our roots as Humanity? What if the sensitive, intuitive souls of this esoteric philosophy hold the answers to the next stage in Human history?

I believe that a Higher Intelligence is at the heart of this movement towards love, greater compassion, healing and taking care of one another and our environment.
Furthermore, I understand that most
New Age Philosophy is Ancient Wisdom, handed down to help the World.

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As a Medium I have an understanding based in knowledge, of a Great Intelligence that is behind the entire Universe. Some may call this God, The Source of All, The Universal Creative Consciousness, whatever they feel comfortable with.  I also believe that we all have within each of us, the key to unlocking Higher Wisdom; through getting in touch with our Sacred Centre, the part of us that is eternal and inextinguishable and always connected to the 'Whole'.  

We look around at the World today and it is difficult not to become dismayed at what we see; wars, poverty, homelessness, famine, pollution, hatred.....we desperately need a way forward, together, as a whole, as humanity. As Spiritual Beings there is no division. There are no borders, no seperation of races or cultures.  True Spirituality is the antithesis of what we see in our World today, where hate speech and fear of 'the Other' drives an increasing 'Drawbridge' mentality.

The healing, uniting, compassionate, environmentally aware philosophy of New Age Holisticism, is a welcome antidote to our everyday experience as Spirit Beings incarnated into the physical world. I truly believe that gaining more harmony within ourselves will lead to an increasing harmony and equity across the World.  There is a Divine Plan at work behind everything.  The eminent Spirit Guide Silver Birch talked of it through his decades of work with his Medium, Maurice Barbanell.

The greatest desire of those in the Spiritual Realm is to see a Heaven on Earth. A place in which we do not have to transition from one life to the next to experience paradise, That through our inherent Spiritual identities we can unite in a kinship that overcomes boundaries of borders and culture, race and language. 

The same ideals that are at the very heart of the so-called New Age Movement are identical to those given to us from ancient and infinite sources.  

What may be used as a convenient band wagon for some, I feel has it's roots in authentic wisdom.  It may take thousands of years for this out lying group to become mainstream society, but it is my sincere hope and the wish of those enlightened beings of the Spirit Realm, that eventually the 'New Age' way of life will be accepted as a life raft, offered to save all of humanity.

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