Why Your Thoughts are Living Things and How the Universe is Responding to them

Everything is energy.
Just think about that for a second.
Physical matter is energy which is vibrating at a low enough frequency to make objects (such as chairs, tables, bodies etc) appear 'solid'.
As Beings, we are animated by Life Force Energy (known also as Prana and Chi). Everything both in and around us is a wonderful mass of energetic particles, atoms, protons, electrons and neutrons, acting and reacting upon one another to create the reality in which we live.
Tap on a table or stamp on the floor. It is scientific fact that what we perceive as solid is actually a whole lot of atoms, vibrating and constantly moving around each other, albeit reasonably close together. There is an intelligence at work here, something that no scientist has quite put their finger on, I believe that the closest approximation that Human Kind has found is the anthropomorphism named as 'God'.
The words we speak, the music we listen too, our heartbeat, the air we breathe, is ALL ENERGY of one form or another.
Your thoughts are also alive with energy; resulting from impulses, firing neurons, crossing synapses, being vocalised and physically acted upon.
Thought is behind everything we as a race, have ever created. Thought was also behind the creation of this Universe.
If we agree, as a scientific fact, that every action has an equal and opposite reaction, then the power of our thoughts is immense. If we also postulate that the energy contained within our Universe is always recieving our energetic outputs, meeting the energy we send out and constantly modifying and responding to that, then it would equate that what we send out into the mass field of energy in which we live, will ripple outward, like rings on a pond and eventually, ripple back to us.
What we send forth as energy will eventually return to us.
The upshot of all of this is that suddenly we realise what we are constantly thinking about, is what the energy all around us is absorbing and answering.
Look upon 'Thought' as a chain reaction, a series of energetic actions, one leading to another.
If that thought is positive then it radiates out at a particular frequency, resonates with and is responded to by The Universal Consciousness. We all know of the saying 'like attracts like' or 'that which is like unto itself is drawn'. It is the Universal Law of Attraction which states that that which you give you will also receive. A positive is met with a positive, a negative by a negative.
How many people do you know who are constantly moaning about their lives? They not only spend their time thinking about how tough they have it, they often like to engage others by vocalising these negative thoughts and feelings. They are seemingly stuck like a needle on a scratched record, never able to move forward into a more positive way of being.
The Energy of the Universe is simply responding to the thoughts such people are giving their attention to.
Where the mind goes, energy flows.
What most people don't realise is that the Universe, (Source, The Great Spirit) will respond to positive thoughts in just the same way, by rippling back more positive experiences to you.
You are an incredibly powerful being and in every moment, with every thought, word and deed you are co-creating your own experience.
That's why it's so important to try at all times to remain positive, to be grateful, thankful, to honour yourself and others.
If you knew that every single thought you have today, would be revisited on you and your life at some point in the not to distant future, how would you behave?
Because that's exactly how thought works. It is alive with potential and pregnant with energy and the more positive your thoughts, the more positive your experience of this reality will be.
Have you had an experience where thinking positively has changed your life? What ways do you use to shut down negative thinking?
As always, please feel free to share you thoughts in the comments.
Love and Blessings


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