Everything is in a State of 'Becoming'
As I sat in my usual meditation this morning, I experienced many wonderful things; from the swirling violet colours in my vision, to time expanding and contracting at it's own will, to the many faces that swam in and out of my auric field.
I flew out of my physical body and found myself hovering above an enormous and noble tree. It stood alone on a wide, open plain. The grass was a shade of green not found in our Earthly experience and the blue sky above had a clarity that renders it almost indescribable.
In the distance, far off, embracing the very edges of the plain, were majestic snow capped mountains, each its own Matterhorn or Mckinley and shaded in hazy blues, heather purples and smoky greys.
The noble tree stood as tall as a house and wider still, forked at the top of the thick, smooth trunk, the branches reached out in perfect symmetry, all the way around. Each branch was covered in hundreds of perfect verdant leaves.
In my altered state of awareness, I circled the tree like a bird, free from the restraints of the physical body, with a lightness that was liberating and filled with exhilaration and happiness.
Then a voice spoke to me and said:
'Everything is in a State of Becoming.'
I asked in my mind just what that meant?
The voice answered;
'It is to do with the great potential that every living thing contains. The tiny seed, though small, contains a great and mighty tree. First the seed becomes a sprout, then the sprout becomes a shoot, that shoot becomes a seedling, then becomes the sapling, then it becomes the young tree... Onwards and onwards, ever becoming.'
As Spirit Beings living for a short while in a physical body, we forget how powerful and wonderful we are. But we are like every other thing created, born first from a thought, then from the loving breath of the Creative Universal Consciousness.
Like that tiny seed, we have the potential to become a majestic tree or anything else we choose. It is a process that will never end because it, like ourselves, is Eternal.
If you had no fear, who or what would you become? Would you keep on growing or choose to stay where you are in your life now? How do you acknowledge your own 'Becoming'?
As always, please feel free to join the discussion and comment below.
Love and Blessings
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