When Questions Form, Answers Are Given.

A slightly more informal, yet still extremely informative communication from the Higher Beings of Light today, where I was able to have some of my questions answered. I hope you all enjoy it!

(*Medium Inula Austin *HB Higher Beings of Light.  Please note: I am almost sure that the questions that I asked today were either entirely preempted by the communicators, if not, inserted by them themselves in order to emphasise the points that they wished to make.)

'Today as we come forth to commune with you our trusted ally, we are aware of many questions held in your mind that you wish to discuss with us. So let us enjoy a more 'open' session today and we shall try to help you in whatever ways we can. For we may not have all the answers, but simply those available to us at this time, through our experiences and it is our greatest wish that we may be of some small assistance to those who are willing to engage with us.

Medium: How many of You speak to me today?

HB: Gathered together at this moment we are a small number of 4. Those of us who are tasked with the process of transmission of information from our region to yours are numbered too, but that is not the entire picture. We number hundreds, joined together in this task, an opportunity offered to every soul standing here, to engage in the work of the Divine One and as such Spiritualise those on your side.

It is a great task and one that was not taken up lightly by any of us, but we can assure you that the greatest joy is felt as ripple and then wave when we experience the words we have transmitted being consumed by another and then another.

All triumph is in the heart and Spirit of the work!

There are many 'behind' us (as you would say). There are the 'Blenders' stood here, close by, within your Magnetic Energy Field, acting as Transmitters, there are the 'Senders'; the very knowledgeable Creatures of Infinite Experience who operate from near the First Link in The Chain. They are not seen by us as we exist in different levels of balance and frequency. When communication is made ready we assemble as our small band and thoughts are transmitted to us. It is then our energy that fine-tunes your own fields of equilibrium, until we may blend successfully enough that you may 'hear' our thoughts.

Between the First link and the last, there are many others at work who's process is equally pertinent; some of whom are employed to 'iron out' any energetic creases in the fabric of your field, some of whom are regulating delicate frequencies and monitoring the 'language library' of your mind, that the appropriate words may be found to translate the energetic waves of our thoughts into conscious substance, that it may gain solidity of matter on the page.

Medium:Do the Same Spirit People Work With Me on Every Communication ?

HB: Our Band, those closest to you are a stable group with the occasional addition of one person more, though never fewer than 4. Those at the First Link, the 'Senders' may differ on occasion, though as a whole Energy of Divine Beings, the frequency is consistent and always of superb clarity so as to never question a change in their number either. Those in between may move in and out of position according to their other associated duties, although again, it is always as smooth a process as if the same merry band of workers were in attendance each and every time.

Medium: Can you tell me a little about yourselves?

HB: To do so serves no purpose in the transmission of our work. Some of our small band you have met, although it is true to say that your physical recollection is lacking. There is no need for fear my friend. All of our Communing was agreed upon by all parties long ago. That will suffice.

Medium:You understand that some people on the Earth Plane will find it difficult to believe that you are separate Beings and not part of me or my Personality?

HB: This does not trouble us Sister. We are All of the One Great Source of All Life, in that we may not be separated out, however we do understand your disquiet. Those who are unready to hear the words of Truth will remain as the deaf and the blind, it would not matter what answers we might give; to certain Souls we should always fall short in such a measuring.

We speak to those who listen; ours is not a work of conversion, a hammer to be wielded over each and every Soul in the World. We do not seek to force Truth upon those who are unready or unwilling. This holds no value to the individual or the Great One. In time their lessons will be learnt and their minds opened.

Touching Souls is giving the lightest of touches, conversion is a different matter altogether. That seeks to drive out what belief or faith exists. Awakening is becoming conscious of that which one already knows.

Subtle are the differences in semantics, great is the chasm in reality.

Medium:What is the most important information that you would like to pass on to those of us in the Physical Form?

HB: Ah, alas! Would it that we were able to give each individual lesson as one Great and Entire lecture!
But no. We seek understanding, to bring light into the darkness. What would the point be of confusing, debilitating, belittling? It is not our way Child.

We are Brother and Sister alike. Kin each one to another. Our purpose is not to highlight lack, but assist in development of the individual through nurturing and Love. There is no greater calling.
There are innumerable topics upon which we could lecture with sincere fervour, but our greatest, most sacred weapon in the Fight is that of persuation- of appealing to the intelligence inherent in an individual and watering that, that it might grow and blossom. We are not the preachers of old who stood in your earthly pulpits and frightened the congregation therein.
We know the Truth, we have stood in the light and glow of the Great One, felt the warmth of a thousand Suns upon our hearts and Souls, have experienced the Love of the All time and time again, in every single moment. This is what we wish to bring to you.

Fear not that the night is dark!
Fear not that the World suffers!
Fear not the equipedness of humankind to deal with such earthly woes!

We come to tell you that All is possible through the Great One, manifested in physicality through each and every one. There is no divide, no better or worse, no distance between one another. You are an entire family and although spread across a Spherical planet and revolving through the darkness of the Universe, you are, one and another, The Same.

Think on this and carry it out in to your World. The attitude of division is a wrong one from our perspective. Cohesion will be the vehicle that carries forward future generations on your good planet. A sharing, cooperation, mutual understanding of the similarities will entreat All members of Earthly society to treat each as his own.

Medium: This sounds like a vision of paradise. Isn't it a little unrealistic?

HB: What is the Reality of which you speak? (and we seek not to answer too harshly, to you our friend and ally).
But the Reality in which the Population of your Earth now exists is of your own making. It is a creation of conscious thought made manifest by the unchanging Universal Laws of the Great Spirit. There is no reason therefore that the opposite may be true; that is, a different thought will manifest a different result. But it must be done so by Conscious Intention.

Human Kind worries and worries and hates and kills and squabbles and divides itself from its fellow human, neighbour, cousin, beast and Planet. This is the Picture of Reality that we observe from our stance. What has this brought in terms of awareness of one's True Spiritual Nature? What in terms of the unification and harmonising of Human Beings throughout the World?

It has been of no benefit as far as we measure it and contemplate on it. It is as though we watch small children fighting over toys. Such is immaturity and rank naivety of the whole situation.
This could all be changed! Those who come with this vision of a New World upon the Earth are scorned and persecuted, sometimes executed for such beliefs, yet it is the belief and understanding, the True Wish of us All here, the Great One included, that your World establishes balance and equanimity across all nations and races.

Reality can be changed. This is what we would choose to say to any who will grant us their time and listen; whether that change be called for in an individual's current existence or on a larger scale, all is possible through God.

Humankind cannot continue to squander its Spiritual Heritage and betray it's Divine Nature. The concequences of such actions are ever evident in your World. Why do some go hungry while others toss aside food and wealth as if it were valueless?
It can be changed. A change begins with a change in Perception and then a Conscious Intent to do better, to think and speak and act in a better manner to all living things.
Reality is not how you would think it on the Earth Plane and many, upon crossing The Grand Divide have been shocked at just how far from the Truth their preconceptions were.

Medium: One last question if I may?

HB: Of course Child! We would stay in discourse with you for a very long time if it were deemed healthy for you. We understand that your Earthly duties will not allow it, but we always look forward to our periods of commune with you. What would you ask?

Medium: Why did Spirit decide to communicate through me in this way, what is the purpose?

HB: It was decreed from much Higher Places than the one in which we presently stand! The knowledge that we were given was of an agreement made prior to your travelling to the Earth Plane. A concorde was found and the desire of your Spirit to bring forth the Realities of this World to those on your side of life was agreed upon. It was known in which time you would travel beyond the elipse of our World and into the vibratory field of matter and so it was deemed pertinent to furnish those like minded Spirits travelling forth into the 'Now' period with an ability or rather a 'Ready Connection' linked to 'Home' (here, The World of The Spirit) in order that information may be passed on as and when it would be required.

As a 'Trumpet' of the Great One you have been sent forth in the earnest hope that at this time, upon your Vibratory Plane of Existence, you may enable others to share in the Truths which you Know and Understand as The One Truth.
The Eternal Existence of the Energetic Body that we refer to here as 'Spirit'. We also hope strongly that through the practice of connecting with us via thought and what your Earth Teachers refer to as 'Mental Mediumship' , your link to us will become strengthened and we may be able at last to speak through you more freely at some point in the future. We are also at liberty at this moment to advise you of Volumes that you may one day wish to write and it is our sincerest wish that you will do so as part of your agreement. (An Agreement reached which was sought to develop, expand and progress your own Spirit also).

So much there is to be accomplished!

We know that 'time' is running short for this communication as concentration on your part becomes more difficult and thus our task is also effected.

But we would not wish to leave you today without stating what absolute joy and happiness it brings to us all to work together with you in this manner. We envisage many hours spent like this when we are able to commune with you, our Friend and Sister and hope sincerely to be able to furnish you with any answers you may wish.

Ours is the joyous work of sowing the seed, let the Great One Reapeth!

Our Great Thanks and Love to you All on this Day.'

Love and Blessings.

All Copyright IA Austin 2019


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