Your Life is Your Prayer
There is no better way to Honour the Sacred in yourself, other beings and the Great Spirit, than to make your Life your Prayer.
The usefulness of prayer and the efficacy of different types of prayer are often topics for discussion in groups of spiritually like minded people.
Despite our own personal beliefs about the existence of an Omnipotent, Loving, Creative Consciousness, many, if not all of us, will at one time or another, reach out to the Unknowable seeking comfort, help, advice and relief.
Despite our own personal beliefs about the existence of an Omnipotent, Loving, Creative Consciousness, many, if not all of us, will at one time or another, reach out to the Unknowable seeking comfort, help, advice and relief.
'Your prayers are like incense smoke rising up into our atmosphere. The scent and colour of which is always registered by us.'
The Higher Beings of Light
Our thoughts are always able to be read be those in Spirit who are charged with our care; our loved ones on the other side and those drawn to us via a bond of affection or likeness. The reality is not what some may perceive; that those in the World of the Spirit are constantly following us around, observing everything that we do. They are, however, able to 'hear' and 'see' our thoughts (Psychically) by focusing their beam of consciousness into alignment with whomever they wish to check in with, here on the Earth. There is no need for them to journey to us to witness our daily lives in 'real time', although that said, they sometimes choose to do just that.
What is a Prayer?
Often, we can be rather selfish in the invocations we send out to the Great Spirit some call 'God'.
In our hour of desperation, (and even sometimes more flippantly) , we may utter 'Please help me!' or 'God, get me through this!'
Understand that your thoughts, words and deeds are all powerful, creative, Energetic Vibration. Therefore, it is not only the Prayers sent with good intent that are registered in the energetic soup of vibrational frequency that it all around us.
For some reason we have been taught that it is only our more positive thoughts that matter.
But in actuality, it is Each and Every thought we have that contains unimaginable energetic potential. What we send out in terms of energy (in thought, speech and action) will be received back by us, at some point. It is a Universal Law.
But in actuality, it is Each and Every thought we have that contains unimaginable energetic potential. What we send out in terms of energy (in thought, speech and action) will be received back by us, at some point. It is a Universal Law.
Prayer has a great deal of psycho-therapeutic value, it can be intensely healing and bring a great sense of peace and relief to an individual. For many on the Earth today, even those who are in an un-awakened, fettered and materialistic state of Soul Development, it may be the only time that they connect, with purpose and intention, to the Great Unseen.
As we take that moment of absolute Oneness and Quiet in silent Prayer, we are doing that which many Spiritually aware people have done for millennia; we are centering our True Inner Being, the Spirit Entity that we are and bringing our Spirit Consciousness back into alignment and focus with our Higher Selves and the Great Universal Mind.
Does Prayer Work?
I would answer that whether or not Prayer 'Works' often depends upon the outcome one hopes to see as well as other factors.
Prayers that seek for Unseen Helpers from Spirit to intervene in and change the course of our own lives and the lives of others may seem to fall upon deaf ears.
If you are asking through invocation, for something that is not a part of your path or hasn't been earned through your experience, I am afraid you may be disappointed.
If you are asking through invocation, for something that is not a part of your path or hasn't been earned through your experience, I am afraid you may be disappointed.
Spirit Guides and Helpers, even our discarnate loved ones, are not at liberty to interfere in the path of our lives. We are all given the Great Gift of Personal Responsibility (another Universal Law) when we incarnate. How we live our lives, our experience here and everything that it all entails, is a matter of Choice and Consequence (or Cause and Effect). Those in the World of the Spirit are not able to change that.
Some of the hardest experiences in our lives appear in our experience to teach us the most important life lessons and push our Spirit and Soul to progress. These times of difficulty may also be a consequence of our own choices, although many people are reluctant to take any responsibility for their own lives and would rather seek to blame others for their difficulties.
What About Prayers that Bring Miracles?
I don't believe in Miracles.
(Certainly not in the way that most people would define them).
I know that will probably be unpopular with some and distasteful to others, but that's OK with me.
Here's what I think about it:
Our lives follow a Blueprint, agreed upon and signed off by our Spirit Selves, before our birth into the Physical. We may bring with us Karmic debt from our behaviour or experiences in other incarnations, or have agreed to live certain distressing or short physical lives in this incarnation, in order that our Souls and those of others around us, may progress, expand and develop.
Here's what I think about it:
Our lives follow a Blueprint, agreed upon and signed off by our Spirit Selves, before our birth into the Physical. We may bring with us Karmic debt from our behaviour or experiences in other incarnations, or have agreed to live certain distressing or short physical lives in this incarnation, in order that our Souls and those of others around us, may progress, expand and develop.
I firmly believe that nobody passes 'before their time' and although the manner of one's physical 'death' may not be known, the time is known, to the Soul of the individual and the Great Spirit at the very least.
I believe that prayers that appear to bring so-called Miracles, are beautiful, unifying, positive energy. There is absolutely nothing wrong in prayers being said for disaster victims or the sick. They are wonderful, loving and beneficial to all.
But prayer, in my opinion (and based on Teachings that I have received from Spirit People themselves) that coincides with a terminally sick person recovering, or an unconscious person being revived etc, are not 'miraculous'.
But prayer, in my opinion (and based on Teachings that I have received from Spirit People themselves) that coincides with a terminally sick person recovering, or an unconscious person being revived etc, are not 'miraculous'.
It was simply not their time to pass.
I understand fully that this is a difficult concept to accept and that some people may think me Spiritually undeveloped to have such an opinion. That is fine. Everyone is welcome to their own point of view.
Certain faiths and organised religions seem to be fixated on 'Praying for Miracles'. I would never want to discourage a person from sending Prayers to another person or group of people in need. As I have said previously, the positive intention alone, as an energy vibration, is wonderfully helpful and offers much in terms of relief.
Where some see 'Miracles' others see the Soul Contract being played out.
It is simply a matter of awareness.
Is Some Prayer Better Than Others?
In my own experience, my Teaching Guides have often said that Prayers of Gratitude, Prayers said for the Benefit of Others, or the interceding on behalf of another, are the ones that they are most attuned to.
Self centered thoughts asking for one thing or another (particularly material effects) are of course received by our Spirit Helpers, but from what I understand, there is a natural filtering process, if you will. Obviously, in terms of energy, frequency and vibration, a Prayer based in the physical, material body and experience, that focuses upon dense material matters may only have the vibration to be sensed at a certain level of awareness on the Spirit Side of Life.
Whereas a prayer of gratitude to the Great Spirit, giving thanks for all aspects of one's life, is of a higher vibration and may be able to be registered by those in Spirit with a wider 'band width' of awareness.
I do believe that without fail ALL prayers are heard on the Other Side of Life. I have read of great 'Receiving Stations' that are populated in each Sphere by bands of Spirit People who's work it is to keep records of each prayer sent, often passing them up and down the 'chain of office', so to speak.
Nothing is ever wasted.
Everything is registered and many believe in a Great Energetic, Intelligent Consciousness around us as the 'Akasha' (or 'Ether') where all energetic impressions from all lives in all lifetimes, past, present and future, are recorded.
It is easy therefore to assume that the energy of our prayers also exists there.
There are Selfish prayers and Selfless prayers, one of a naturally higher frequency or vibration than the other, but I feel the terms of 'good' and 'bad' to be a little judgemental and subjective to be of any real use.
Your Life is Your Prayer.
In every moment of your incarnation onto the Earth, through every thought, word and deed, you are creating your life in the Hereafter.
The development of your Spirit in this life is what will determine the quality and experience of your continued existence in the Next World. We gravitate naturally to the State or Sphere of Vibration or Being to which our Soul is comfortable and attuned.
Therefore, it is what you do in this life, from moment to moment, that matters.
How do you live your life? Are you 'Spiritual' on the outside, yet bitter and angry on the inside? Are you content with your lot in life and seek to do your best? Are you resentful and envious of others or do you seek to be compassionate towards all those you meet?
It is your intention and your motivation that matters. We are NOT here to live lives of perfection, as perfection can not operate through matter. Our reason for being incarnated is Soul Expansion, Awareness of our Spirit Nature and an innate seeking to draw closer to that Sacred part of our selves and the Great Spirit.
However, how we go about our daily lives, how we treat ourselves and others we meet; how we treat all creatures, the environment etc is the MOST pertinent fact.
For no prayer is potent enough to undo a lifetime of trampling upon others,
grasping after material possessions and wealth; being selfish, bitter or downright greedy.
That is why I say that the way in which you live your life matters more than a few words uttered.
Your life, in its entirety, is a Sacred Act.
If you can love unconditionally, practice peace and compassion, choose positivity over negativity, despite your circumstances, then that is so much more powerful than any invocation you could possibly give.
Do you believe in the 'Power of Prayer'? How about miracles? Do you even pray at all?
As always, please feel free to share your own experiences in the comments section.
Love and Blessings.
All Copyright IA Austin 2019©
Hi Inula my view is everything and everyone are a miracle. From every molecule and compound, All human beings, every animal, plant, Mother Earth, every star and planet. Everything that has been in existence, is in existence or going to be in existence is a miracle. In truth nothing can exist without being a miracle.
ReplyDeleteCarol Brown, I couldn't agree more and that is how I view the miraculous - it is seen in the tiniest detail of nature and in all life itself. Blessings 🙏❤️⭐