Divine Judgement: What's Your Verdict?
Today's Teachings from the Higher Beings of Light are
a slightly longer piece on 'Judgement'.
Is there Judgement in the After Life?
(Q&A with the Spirit People at the end.)
(NB: HB = Higher Beings of Light M = Inula Spiritual Medium)
When Human Kind thinks of an Afterlife, they often times conjure an image of an all powerful old man who is seated atop a cloud, deals out justice and retribution for any 'Sinful' or 'Wrongful' actions.
We understand that the dogma of religions, of an 'Organised' nature and the human imagination is at work here - once the very human attributes of guilt, shame and worry are added, there in lies a wholly inaccurate picture of what is to come.
'For it has never been said, but by the lips of man, that the Great Father/Mother is such!
It is falsehood!'
We understand the life in the Physical Matter; of its mountains and valleys, journeys into the shadows and out once again into the light.
We do not EVER seek to tell you what you must feel or direct you like puppets, their strings pulled on by an unseen force; encouragement, understanding, compassion and gradual enlightenment to your condition - both Materially and Spiritually is what we seek to bring.
Many people have come to fear the physical disintegration of the earthly manifestation; not only because of their ties to their loved ones, but also because you all talk so little of the Truths of the Hereafter and when you do, the words are charged with myth and dominated by dogma.
Even those amongst you who would profess no claim to a Spiritual or Religious inheritance still, nevertheless, find your mind's made up by the thoughts and actions of others, rather than through your own seeking and experience.
By and large, the topsy-turvy view of a judgemental and harsh being sat upon a throne of gold, dispensing lightening bolts and sending individuals to 'Heaven' or 'Hell' is a man-made construct and it is utterly devoid of any truthfulness and if t is Truthfulness we wish to school our earthly Brethren in, then we must seek to cast down the walls of ignorance, for it does no one any good!
Oh! The scenes of those who cross to Our World, bewildered and stumbling like the blind!
To know not of the Truth is beyond reason to us. Of course, we do ou very best to help all those who cross, unaware of the fact of Eternal Life, the lack of any liturgy in this realm; but there are many who simply will not countenance it, they refuse our words and as such their progress here is stifled.
We say; Open your hearts, minds and ears to listen to what we say!
Understand that the Great Universal Laws are PERFECT in their execution.
As you sow, so shall you reap.
The Law of Action and Consequence is your Judge and Jury;
No white bearded old man sits waiting to judge you!
You are 'judged' (if only there was a better word - perhaps 'Assessed') by your own inner being, your own Soul. The Soul has etched upon it every thought, word and deed of all lives lived by an individual personality and when you are at last stripped of the physical mantle, what remains is there for all to see.
The Law is Perfect and does not falter!
Although The Almighty is in the Law (as it's Creator), The Almighty is NOT The Law. You were given Free Choice in order that you may experience , learn and grow, experience, learn and grow, day after day, ad infinitum. You are not puppets!
The lessons that are truly learnt by the individual (and we speak here in terms of learning what you wish more of and less of) is what brings progress of the Spirit (along with other actions, such as Service.) The 'Heaven' or 'Hell' that awaits is not as you expect it, neither is it so black and white, so cleanly cut, one from the other.
As you are, so you inherit.
That is to say that the level of Soul Progress, through lessons learnt, good deeds done etc, is the yardstick by which every individual is 'measured'; thus he or she inherits the After State to which they are best suited.
Would it not be true to say of your earthly life, that one would never give the keys to a fast and expensive motor vehicle to a child of ten? For they have not the experience to expect a suitable, positive outcome. That would be offered to one who was more mature in terms of your earthly calendar, one who had 'earned the right' so to speak.
There is no way to skip what is due to each and everyone as that is not the nature of the Universal Law.
See it not as judgement Child!
Accept all as Just; help will always be afforded those who wish to progress, help is always at hand!
HB: We sense that you have questions forming?
M: Yes. Is there any way of explaining clearly the different 'Spheres' or 'Realms' that exist in the After- Life?
HB: We would always rather talk in terms of differing 'Experience' , as there are no door ways leading form one mansion into another (as is recorded by Man). Rather then it is a difference in what each individual is able to perceive. The 'Place', as a term used in the Physical Consciousness has no equivalent where we are, in a space beyond the physical limitations of distance, time etc
All 'Spheres' (your word), 'Levels', 'Realms' (and all other terms coined by the remedial faculties of the physical human) are interplaying at all times and are created from the conscious creation of the individual's experience.
You are as much a part of Our World now as you will ever be, in terms of location; for we are all around, interwoven and amongst one another!
This is a little known Fact to those on the Earth Vibration. (You may already travel, via thought to any destination you wish, yet in the Physical Vibration this is slow and inaccurate and viewed simply as 'Thought' in its narrowest definition. All is thought vibration at a much finer a quicker frequency here, which makes travel to any destination instantaneous and highly accurate, you simply forget your skills when draped in matter and the reality of our closeness becomes dimmed to you.)
(We give here an example based upon a physical premise for your understanding, but do remember please, that nothing on Our Side is 'physical')
It is like a person who sees the World through a pair of spectacles; the glasses are not very clean, the lenses are damaged, they are not the correct prescription for the one who wears them. Is not the scene that the individual looks upon, warped and experienced differently to one who wears the very newest, best pair of spectacles? He should experience a far finer scene, wouldn't you agree?
There is no need for fear, The Law is Perfection!
M: How could you explain then the difference between the so-called 'Life Review' that some Spirit People and those having had Near Death Experiences so commonly report and 'Judgement'?
HB: They are world's apart in actuality and we say again that 'Judgement' nor a 'Judicial Higher Power' exists! The 'Review' that you speak of is an exercise that is conducted with extreme gentleness, precision, and expertise by members of our larger Group. Only when the time is right. No one is ever led through the pathway of their earthly existence until they are capable of learning and understanding the lessons there-in. If this were not so, the exercise itself would be utterly without merit.
This is not an exam, where data is collected to place each individual on a score board! No, it is very simply a useful and intrinsic tool of explanation that is used to better understand one's legacy after the Earth life; the impact left upon Self and others, to consolidate all that has been learnt. There is no tally, no chastisement, no anger or criticism, just a gentle journey through one's experience, expertly guided and always commenced in total harmony and loving agreement.
(M: At this point I very briefly caught myself thinking that this would be the ideal model for raising and educating children, but as usual, the Higher Beings were ahead of me and captured my thoughts!)
'This is the way to teach the children Sister! You are right indeed!
Anger and criticism withers the Soul & embitters the Spirit.
There is always a better way!'
At no point in the Everlasting is there need for judgement by another. Dues will be paid, balance and harmony restored, for the Law is Perfect.
HB: Is that all for today?
M: May I ask one more question before we finish?
HB: Naturally! We enjoy so much our time communing with you, that you may take the Almighty's message out into the World, a trumpet to call to those that may hear it!
M: If the Human, Physical idea of 'God' as Judge and Jury is not correct, how may people view this Being?
HB: You ask a delightfully astute question Child and we are happy to answer you.
The Truth of the matter is that there is not a single, apt personification of that which some call 'God'. Though aspects of the Greatness That Is may occasionally appear to us on our side of life at times of great gathering or Divine Celebration, each Soul will experience this aspect according to their own development of vision and Soul Progress.
To most an angelic personage of bright countenance and peaceful manner, to others a child, to others still a light more bright and perfect than any other seen. But these are simply aspects of the Great Spirit Nature (as we all are). The Great One is All Consciousness, Love, Creation, All nature and Wonderment, too far in length, breadth and depth to be collected and held in the shell of a human form or any other single form at all.
A judge it is not, an old man it is not, a wing-ed creature it is not.
It is All and All is in It.
Beyond that we are not better able to communicate well enough our knowledge that those on your side of Life will understand.
M: Another question if I may?
HB: Certainly Sister.
M: I had an interesting chat with one of my Guides on the topic of 'Worthiness' last night. Is there anything you wish to add to this?
HB: So much! We believe that the Good Mother who visited said was that many individuals have a definite lack of a sense of their own intrinsic worth. 'Worthiness' is such a good term and only one with the experience of She who came would have chosen such an illuminating term. Human Beings, mired in the physical life and experience lose sight of their Sacredness and the Divinity from which their Soul Portion was born.
'You are all innately Worthy.
Your worth will NEVER be measured by the opinions, actions or standpoint of another.
You are of The Almighty Itself and there is no existence more worthy than Yours.
The Time must come for each of you to acknowledge this and pay the respect that is due to yourselves and each other.'
HB: We are aware that your wrist grows tired , so we shall save all else we wish to talk of for our next communing.
Ever with the Light and Love of God, in your Service and Friendship, Sister.
With great Happiness and Joy.
Do you believe in any kind of Holy Judgement? What about for those who may have committed terrible crimes? How do you view The Great Spirit?
As always, please feel free to have your say in the comments section below.
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