There is a lot of misinformation out there on all sorts of things concerning Spirituality and the Esoteric Subjects.  The main source of blame must surely be handed to Hollywood for their wonderfully frightening and spooky portrayal of all things that go 'Bump in the Night', though as human beings who have sat around camp fires telling scary stories to one another since the beginning of our time here, myths are always perpetuated by word of mouth and handed down from generation to generation.

Unfortunately, this has left some people not only scared of the very natural existence of the Spirit World and it's inhabitants, but also kept in the dark over its treasure trove of gifts and wisdom.

So, here I am, one Worker in the Service of the Great Spirit and the Spirit People, trying to straighten this all out!

Today's TOP TIPS are on how you can identify whether you have had an encounter with a Spirit Person or a Ghost, as the two are very different.


  1. A Ghost (the word itself believed to be a misprint of the word 'Ghast' as in 'Ghastly', from times past) is an Energetic Photograph left upon the Psychic Atmosphere of any particular place.  
  2. A Ghost will often be seen to make very repetitive movements (eg Walking the same length of passageway night after night, in the same spot time and again etc).
  3. Ghosts are often witnessed walking through walls, climbing non-existent stairways and the like.  This is easily explained when we consider that the Energetic Imprint on the Atmosphere of the area may have occurred many years before (often hundreds of years earlier) when doorways, staircases and other architectural features were yet to be modified and modernised.
  4. Ghostly Apparitions may appear around a particular date or anniversary each year; there may almost seem to be an invisible time-table at work. This may be explained as quite natural when it is understood that the Psychic Imprint in question could have been made on the Atmosphere, on that particular date. Also, we observe that a period of high emotion and anguish in a particular place may cause the Atmosphere to become Imprinted in the first place AND may also cause a reactivation of this energetic record.
  5. A Ghost is unable to communicate or interact with you because is it literally a 'snapshot' of time that lingers in one place.  Even if the ghostly apparition appears to talk or gesture, often no sound or words will be heard.  There are Imprints of sound left in some places however, with heavy footsteps heard on floorboards, a crying baby or the scream of a woman often being experienced.  These are NOT 'Live' though. They are simply Energetic Recordings left in the atmosphere of a place (similar in fact to the recording of a record or CD).


  1. The Spirit Person who appears to you is very often a loved one or acquaintance who has passed over. You don't necessarily have to have had a strong bond with the individual in life or even met them personally (they may be your Great, Great, Great Grandmother for instance), but it is usually a bond of affection that will draw them close to you, if not, a link of interest in your life will have been formed in some way.
  2. Spirit people often come to comfort you when you are in need, to give evidence of their continued existence, or for reasons of love.  This is not always the case, but it is for much of my own personal experience.
  3. Spirit People are People.  They may no longer inhabit solid, physical bodies, but they are as alive as you or I (more so some may argue!).  Please understand that they have emotions, loves, occupations, hobbies and lives as we all do, so try and look at them as you would anybody else.  
  4. Spirit People are able to interact with you.  Depending upon just how well 'Materialised' a Spirit individual is when you encounter them, you may be able to feel their touch, see them as solid, full colour people, 3 dimensional or slightly hazy versions of themselves.  They may appear as their younger selves (we may all choose the age of our appearance when we pass to the World of the Spirit).  They may speak to you, be able to hold a conversation, answer questions.  All of this is possible because, unlike Ghosts, Spirit people are very much living, albeit in a finer frequency reality.
  5. Spirit People are all around us at all times as their World or Dimension interpenetrates our own.  We walk amongst each other everyday, but unless you have well developed Soul Senses, Psychic Abilities or Sensitivity to Spirit Energy, they will often go unnoticed, just as we do to them.  It is only with great effort, practice and loving guidance on their side of life, that they may be able to learn to lower their own frequency of vibration in order to be seen by you.  So if you do have the great fortune of meeting with a Spirit Person keep in mind the time and energy they have used in order that you may meet.  Try not to be frightened, they WILL NOT hurt you.  Remember, they are a living being, just like you and I, only with so much to teach us.

I have had some extraordinary experiences of encounters with Spirit People and Ghosts throughout my life.  I hope that the one that I share with you now serves as a tale of how NOT to react when encountering a loved one from the Other Side of Life!

It was many years ago, on a Summer's night as I sat on my bed half watching the television and half reading.  I was in that wonderfully relaxed state, alone in my thoughts, happy with the world, tired and comfortable at the end of a hot day spent out of doors.  

We were due to take a family trip the next day, spending a weekend away in the English Countryside.  So I finalised plans in my mind, while my Husband went to have a shower.  The children slept and our cat lazily purred by my feet.  All was well.

I began to notice a slight ringing in my left ear, nothing unusual, we all reach a certain age and our bodies start behaving in strange ways, so I thought nothing of it.  I then began to notice my heartbeat increasing in my ears and it seemed as if a big pulse which started in my stomach had now begun climbing up into my throat and simultaneously, my arms and legs felt heavy and leaden.  I felt mild alarm at this point as I have felt these symptoms previously as loved ones in The Spirit World have gathered energy from the room around me in order to manifest before my eyes.

I've always been a bit of a wimp.  There's something about being born a Sensitive that has always made me more susceptible to the emotions of others, sad films and subtle changes in the energy of a room.  Now the hairs on my arms were standing upright like a Battalion of tiny soldiers standing to attention and just to the side of the bed, something rather strange started to happen...

What I can only really describe as a thick, white mist or fog, had curled it's way up from the floor next to the bed and as it climbed higher, it swirled and moved and shaped itself, as if a thick smoke from a damp bonfire, only with a definite purpose and an intelligence that sought a specific shape.

My face must have been a picture as I watched the ectoplasm reach a height of about seven feet.  I have described it since as watching milk being swished gently around the inside of a clear glass bottle that was shaped like a woman.  As it took form I knew instinctively that this was a lady and that she was beyond excited to be able to appear to me.

(*vintage image of ectoplasm forming in a physical séance, very similar to what I witnessed.)

Unfortunately, I'm not very proud of what happened next, but I hope that it serves as a useful lesson to all;  I found myself gripped with a terrible urge to runaway and escape from whoever it was that was trying so desperately to make physical contact with me.  I quickly shuffled on my hands and knees to the end of my bed, eyes tightly closed and invoking all sorts of unnecessary protection under my breath!  What a fool.  By the time I squinted one eye open to take a peek at the Spirit form, it had dissipated into a low lying fine mist, hovering just a few inches over the bedroom carpet, gradually getting finer and finer until it disappeared altogether.

Of course I could absolutely KICK myself now for behaving so stupidly, especially having since had my initial thoughts confirmed, that it was indeed my own Grandmother who was trying to make contact with me! Imagine what may have been. I am reassured that she will try again and have been asked by her latterly, to try and be a little more understanding in future and to always keep in mind that the form the Spirit People are able to take on Our Side of Life may differ vastly from the form that we expect them to take.  

Lesson Learnt!

Have you ever encountered an apparition?  Have you sensed Spirit but not seen Spirit? Do you have any stories that you would like to share or any questions you'd like answered?

As always, please feel free to comment, like and share.

Love and Blessings.

All Copyright IA Austin 2019


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