Speaking To The Dead

This work really isn't always as spooky as some people would have you believe.

(Please excuse the picture, but I like a bit of theatre sometimes....)

My Grandad just turned up at my house. 

I was in the back garden, lying back on my lounger, eyes closed, enjoying a beautiful warm Summer's evening.

He sat in the green garden chair opposite me and smiled. I hadn't seen him dressed in his grey suit and dark red waistcoat since my Sister's Wedding day, some 22 years ago last week.
But he didn't look a day older than then. 

In fact, considering he passed nearly 15 years ago, he looked remarkably well.

I have been followed around my house all day by a male Spirit. It's something you get used to as a Medium, I have the occasional Spirit guest and by and large they are usually family members. The only time this rule of thumb changes is just before I give a Private Sitting (in which case the Spirit loved ones of the sitter sometimes like to arrive early) or before Home Circle, when the room in which we sit often becomes like the waiting room at a GP's Surgery.

There are a couple of other exceptions; If a Spirit friend or family member of a close friend wishes me to pass on a message they may appear, though very rarely and the rarest visitor of all from the Spirit Side of Life, is a Spirit person with no known ties to myself or my friends or family who may stop by a few times. 

At one point a few months back, I did have a Royal Marine who had served in Afghanistan, who used to stand in the corner of my dining room smiling at me.
He was no trouble at all and a genuinely nice person. 
I'm almost certain that I may yet meet his loved ones and be able to tell them how he is still as handsome and smiling as ever on the Other Side of Life.

I do have strict House Rules for Spirit People. 

I set up strong boundaries from the outset of my Mediumship Development. Once I was on the pathway of seeing and hearing Spirit clearly, I could no longer sleep through their nightly interruptions. 
I took particular umbrage to the two elderly ladies who woke me up one night, sitting on my bed gossiping about me! After that I put my foot down and though it took a couple of tries and some very plain language, my Guides have done a sterling job of guarding the gates, ever since.

I do have to say, for anyone with any psychic or Mediumistic ability, no matter how slight you may think your abilities are, you Must, Must, Must set boundaries. 
I have a rule that only my Guides are allowed upstairs in my home and in my bedroom. 
No Spirit People on the landing at night and none in the children's bedrooms either.

The other important point here is to make sure you 'Open' up your Psychic Senses to work and 'Close' them down to go about your normal everyday life when you have finished. 
There is a reason we Mediums do not go around 'Open' all the time. 

Let me put it like this; you wouldn't leave your front door wide open day and night and let every stranger that sees your hall light on walk in, would you? 
We do this for issues of safety, yes, but more importantly SANITY.

I have no particular routine or ritual for Opening and Closing. My Teacher tells me that the best way to Close Down after working is to go and do something really mundane and earthly, like housework! I don't hold any truck with opening or closing Chakras either, as I firmly believe that if your Energetic Centres are closed, you would, yourself, be dead. 
My only advice is let work be work and then go about living your life. 
That's the only way I've found to be of any use. 

I've had a lot of contact over the years with other members of my family who have transitioned to the World of the Spirit, but, other than two messages from Medium colleagues of mine, I haven't before, been given the opportunity to sit down and talk with my Grandad 'one on one'.

This raises another interesting point and is a question all Mediums will be asked by a client at some point or another; 

'Why haven't I heard from...….(insert relationship) ?'

It is my own belief that if we don't have a real, pertinent need for our loved ones to step forward and connect with us, then they simply wont. I am totally sympathetic to the daughter who has never received a message from her father in Spirit, or the Mother who's Son doesn't seem to want to communicate. But it is important to understand a little of how these things work before we misjudge our Spirit friends.

1. As we often travel out of our physical bodies in the sleep state and visit loved ones in the Astral Realm, we do actually meet up with many of our Spirit friends and loved ones more than we remember.

2. However grief stricken a person is on this side of life and however much a Spirit Person may wish to make contact, they may struggle to find the right Medium for them to connect through.  Not all Mediums are equal in their development or frequency of vibration and in order to get the attunement just right to allow communication takes time.

3. Mediumship may not have been something that the loved one in Spirit had any belief in whatsoever, they may have had staunch organised religious views about Mediumship which they have taken with them into the Next Life, therefore they may still be of the thought that it is somehow inherently 'Wrong'.

4. A lack of communication can be for any number of reasons, however, it is not, in any way, indicative of how a Spirit Loved One feels about you.  It takes some longer to acclimatise to their condition than others and as time is itself a very different concept on their side of life, our rules simply don't apply.

As my Mediumship has developed further I have noticed subtle changes in the way visitations or links with the Spirit People transpire. 
At first, when I saw a Spirit Person 'Clairvoyantly' (from the French for 'Clear Seeing') and they talked to me, they would move their mouths as if actually speaking.

It may surprise some of you to find out that this is completely unnecessary. In the Next Life (after initial orientation) we will all learn to communicate by thought, as speech is a Physical mode of communication.  

When I communicate with someone who has passed I either see them where they are in Spirit (a home there, garden or building, perhaps in a countryside surrounding) or they appear to me as if transposed by an acetate sheet, onto this reality.

Clairvoyance, 'Psychic Sight' or the ability to attune to the higher frequency state of Spirit Beings allows Mediums to see those who have passed on. As the World of the Spirit is interwoven with our own reality and is therefore never actually 'separate' from us (only by our own conscious awareness) at all times, the Spirit People simply move into our awareness to be felt, heard or seen.  

I describe Clairvoyance to the uninitiated, as if seeing in your 'Mind's Eye'.  
This is exactly where the energy centre of the Third Eye or Brow Chakra is, connected to the Pineal Gland of the brain.  

How do I know my Clairvoyance is not simply a flight of fancy, my imagination or wishful thinking?

Let me put it like this; if I asked you to close your eyes and imagine your favourite room in your house, you'd know where furniture and possessions are located, get a sense of the colour scheme, an over all feeling that that was indeed the room you liked the best. 

Now, if I give you a photograph of that same room, notice how crystal clear it is, the detail, the sharpness and depth of colour. They are two very different things. 
It takes trust to become a well rounded and Attuned Medium. You must trust what the Spirit People give you and you must trust yourself that you are not making it up!

Back to my story.....

My chat with my Grandad lasted about 10 minutes in all. I kept asking him (in my thought voice) was he tired or if the link was difficult to hold, I wouldn't mind if he had to go. 
We could maybe pick up our conversation another time.  But he seemed happy to maintain the link and did not struggle with the connection at all. This allowed us to reconnect and talk in a way that we hadn't for a very long time. My Grandad, like many others of his age, suffered with dementia at the end of his earthly life and became very child like. 
When he became ill enough to need care on a 24 hour basis, he was moved into a residential care home, where he lived out his last year or so. 

Although I am embarrassed to admit it, I didn't make enough of an effort to visit him there because I found it too upsetting and back then, it was a place that reminded me of my own mortality. On the day he passed I did visit him (reluctantly if I'm honest) and the man I saw lying unconscious in bed in the calm, sunlit room, looked more like a small child. 

I had taken some lavender and a tea rose from my garden to him as he'd been a keen gardener all of his life and as it had been an unusually hot September that year, the flowers were still in full bloom.

My Grandad transitioned to Spirit that night and I was so glad that I'd been given the opportunity to see him before he left. I had carried a thought in the back of my mind ever since that perhaps he would be cross with me for not visiting him more often while he was here. I needn't have worried.

 When he came to visit me, we had the chance to say our 'sorrys'. 

What will never cease to amaze me about the Spirit People is their capacity to love us unconditionally and to seek our forgiveness. They offer the type of reassurance and understanding that we, in this life, could learn a great deal from.

Without a doubt my Grandad's visitation was cathartic for me and I'm not ashamed to say that I cried like a small child throughout our time together and for quite a while afterwards. 

Mediumship is, without a shadow of a doubt in my mind, the greatest gift to the people of Both Worlds. I am lucky enough to really know my loved ones properly, some of them, for the first time. 
Indeed, I know my Grandparents better now than I ever did whilst they were on the Earth and I love them all the more for it. The family members I never got to meet in this life are equally as well known to me and love flows between us all in a very beautiful and easy way.

I guess the lesson, if I were to try and find one, is that perhaps, if we are able, we should all  experience that connection while our friends and family members are still here, on this side of life.

But also to know that it really is never too late.

Love and Blessings.

To the Memory of my Grandad, Sidney George Fewtrell.

All Text Copyright IA Austin 2019©

(Picture Rights Exempt)


  1. awww just as i saw him xxxx a beautiful smile but made me very emotional xxx


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