The Spirit People Speak!
Today we bring you a channelled Question and Answer Session between myself and The Higher Beings of Light (those knowledgeable and wise beings who work with me from the Other Side of Life.)
All communication is performed through 'Mind to Mind' contact and transferred through my energy and into words by means of Automatic Writing.
(HB = Higher Beings M = Medium)
We hope that you enjoy.
HB: 'What do you seek to know?'
M: I only wish that there was an easy way to have people understand that this Physical Life is not EVERYTHING- that we continue on and on.
HB: Your earthly orthodoxies would say that this is a matter of faith, but we would disagree strongly. We would argue in favour of evidence and knowledge every time. There is no faith in comparison to knowing fully. But this is the dichotomy which you have been born into. Seeking the truth and finding one's Path has forever been the purpose of this Physical Life: for out of the Pathway comes purpose and progression of the Soul, that is what was agreed by all, was it not?
There is no forcing of this knowledge upon the un-ready or unwilling, as many religious regimes of the past have tried. Our concern is the progress of each individual Soul, the Singular Path that modular personification of the Eternal, walks.
We do not EVER seek to force development onto a Soul: there would simply be no point to this. Progress comes from experience and learning through existence. There is nothing else that will replace this. We will always work in cooperation with like minded instruments, such as yourself, on that Physical Side of Existence, to bring forth Knowledge, Truth and Wisdom to ALL those who have the ears to hear; we do not trouble ourselves with concern over the ones who are not yet ready.
This is a lesson for you also.
HB: Can you think of another (question)?
M: Have you any words of comfort for those who have lost loved ones and grieve for them?
HB: We bring comfort to them, Dear Child, but we are not able to do it in the ways in which humankind upon the Earth would expect. We know the far greater Truth, which is that 'death' from your World is simply 're-birth' into this World. It is, simply put, a home-coming .
Whilst we have the experience of 'losing' loved ones whilst we were incarnated in physical bodies, we know now, as will you All one day, that this is only a very temporary situation. Those that you grieve for are not 'gone' from you, as hard as that is to understand with the limits of human awaked-ness.
We rejoice at the homecoming of each and every Soul! How happy we are that the physical detriment is at last overcome! All pain and suffering is released! Physical frailty no more exists!
When a Soul re-enters the Homeland of the Eternal and has settled back into the remembrances of whence it came in origin, there is sadness only for the ones yet to return.
But, reunification is assured!
Remember this above all else; when you return home what a feast shall be had! What festivities and joy, unbridled happiness and an overwhelming outpouring of love and benevolence. For although 'time' here passes in an altogether different perception, we will await our own, with the excitement of a child on Christmas Eve!
How we love all of those we await.
It is the same for each Soul. The reuniting is such a wonderful moment to behold.
In grief, hope may seem to have abandoned you. Hold on dear friends!
Nothing is lost and one day you will understand.
HB: Another question?
M: Is there a Hell?
HB: The 'Hell' created by the World's religions has served to hold thousands in oppression over millennia and is an illusion.
We would wish to add that there is no, one place or another that receives a Soul based upon the judgement over it's Earthly life. The greatest fiction in the organised dogma of the Earth is that an old man sits upon a throne in judgement of each one.
You each know, intrinsically, who you are: the lives that you have led, the impressions you have left on the World and others (good and bad), words spoken, thoughts created, actions manifested.
All of this is 'printed' onto your very energy. in this place, we see ALL.
The essence of each Soul is written plain for all to see and understand. All will be drawn to the place to which they are best suited - that is the simple way of explaining. Your very Soul Essence be-fits you to a certain 'atmosphere'. We may put it another way;
A fish is only at home in water, is it not? It could not be born onto land, to walk around as a mammal.
Thus it is with each Soul. It will be 're-born' into the place most be-fitting to it. Remember though that progression is inevitable and those of us who's work it is to orbit these more conflicted planes, do so out of love and duty for the progress of the ones therein.
In concluding, there is no 'Hell'. The life here is what you have created upon the Earth.
HB: Do you wish to ask another question?
M: Yes please. What memories do we retain of our lives HERE, when we pass on to the Other Side of Life?
HB: Difficult though it is to believe NOW, you will gradually come to the realisation that your Earthly life was somewhat the 'dream' to the 'reality' of your life in our Sphere of Existence. We accept that many may find this a difficult concept to fathom; we do not say that ALL your Earthly life is but a dream or an un-reality, but because of it's physical nature, it is but a single portion or chapter, of the whole story.
Of course your friends and loved ones will help you to recall all manner of life experiences and memories of your latest incarnation, but once your consciousness has expanded back to it's true level of awareness, memories of this chapter fall into a better perspective.
HB: We feel that amongst your human brethren and in your own asking, that there is a fear of loss of certain remembrances?
(This is true. I was just thinking of how awful it would be if I forgot all about this life!)
M: Yes, I suppose so. I read somewhere that in the Eternal Life our memory of this life will fade?
HB: For some, a great blessing, would you not agree?
Fear is a constraint of the Ego of Man and has no place in the Soul. Cast out All fear my Child!
You will only better understand once you return to us. There is nothing ever lost, not ever.
Once ensconced in this beautiful life, the last life will simply pale into comparison.
Once ensconced in this beautiful life, the last life will simply pale into comparison.
That is a much more satisfactory way in which to explain!
M: Is it possible that humankind on the Earth will ever realise, fully, the Divine Plan of Spirit?
HB: You refer, I am certain, to the uplifting and spiritualisation of the population of your Earth?
That is the One Divine Plan, indeed. To ascend any great height takes planning and time, detail and precision, it is not to be rushed. Although the World of yours moves more in the general direction of this ascension to a higher good, it is still far, far off.
More become now 'Awakened' perhaps, than at any other juncture in human history. We are fortunate for this indeed; but still it takes more to march across the face of the Earth, battling greed, materialism and consumerism, hatred, poverty and inequality.
We have witnessed pockets of the spiritually like minded, uniting through the new digital technology of your World, this lifts our hearts very much! Yet, we are still far away from a new dawning of a Spiritualised World Society.
We have an eternity to allow this to unfold, it is simply so sad that humanity would not afford itself it's Spiritual birthright sooner.
So, yes the Divine Plan is always activated within the Earth's population, yet we are far off the desired goal.
That is the One Divine Plan, indeed. To ascend any great height takes planning and time, detail and precision, it is not to be rushed. Although the World of yours moves more in the general direction of this ascension to a higher good, it is still far, far off.
More become now 'Awakened' perhaps, than at any other juncture in human history. We are fortunate for this indeed; but still it takes more to march across the face of the Earth, battling greed, materialism and consumerism, hatred, poverty and inequality.
We have witnessed pockets of the spiritually like minded, uniting through the new digital technology of your World, this lifts our hearts very much! Yet, we are still far away from a new dawning of a Spiritualised World Society.
We have an eternity to allow this to unfold, it is simply so sad that humanity would not afford itself it's Spiritual birthright sooner.
So, yes the Divine Plan is always activated within the Earth's population, yet we are far off the desired goal.
HB: Are we finished for today? We are able to continue if you wish it.
M: I have so many questions to ask you! I feel greedy asking more of you.
HB: We understand but wish to remind you that we are in partnership with you to do what we may, in order to help you on your journey and serve as a resource of knowledge and information for yourself and other like-minded Souls. Your enquiries always fill us with happiness and renew our motives for serving!
M: One last question then?
HB: All is well with us our Dear Child.
M: Could you talk a little about those who transition to your side of life, by their own hand?
HB: The 'suicide' as you know it, is usually the very last act in a long, drawn out case of an individual's suffering in your World.
We accept that there will always be those who lie beyond this parameter, but the overwhelming majority of individuals we encounter on our side of life who have ended their own earthly lives, have done so due to unbearable mental suffering.
Firstly, we would say that these individuals are not judged for the way in which they enter the Hereafter- that is manmade fiction.
Each Soul who arrives here is met with assistance, particularly those who come in a more distressed state. According to the belief or lack thereof, of an Eternal Life, the Soul may require a period of adjustment. Some may receive this as a gentle, restful and restorative sleep, attended to by Guides and carers. What happens upon arrival is always dependent upon each individual.
Though it is true to say that the mental and emotional health of a person is a 'Physical' element and therefore falls away upon 'death', issues such as these may cast a 'shadow' (for want of another explanation) onto the Soul. This will be cleansed away with time and the loving hand of those assigned as Carers. Also the mindset of an individual who passes in distress can be calmed and soothed, until balance is regained.
It is incumbent upon us to reiterate that lessons that are not learned in the Earthly life are to be learned in the Eternal. To negate one's physical existence by terminating it is not a way of by-passing the Laws of the Universe and though 'punishment' is not awaiting those cases of suicide, it is of great import to understand fully that the lessons and likewise, progress, must still be made and that this is solely down to each individual.
Help is always at hand, yet do not think that by escaping the bonds of the Physical body that you escape the responsibility and progress that are each Soul's agreement.
M: To finish up this point, do you have victims of suicide arrive in the After-Life, believing that they have somehow avoided their Soul responsibilities?
HB: The terminating of a contract prematurely, is, by it's very action, an act of avoidance, in most cases.
However, 'Right-Mind' comes either in your World or in Ours.
He who arrives at our gates by his own hand is as every other Soul; destined to embark on a pathway of expansion, progress and understanding. Corners may not be cut.
Also, an interesting fact is that those who come here by their own hand have also to deal with the impact their passing has had on the lives of those that they have left on your Side of Life.
This is an oft neglected consequence in discussions of the subject.
He who arrives at our gates by his own hand is as every other Soul; destined to embark on a pathway of expansion, progress and understanding. Corners may not be cut.
Also, an interesting fact is that those who come here by their own hand have also to deal with the impact their passing has had on the lives of those that they have left on your Side of Life.
This is an oft neglected consequence in discussions of the subject.
It is Universal Law in action, perfect and applicable to All.
HB: We hope that this answers your questions for today? Do you have any more to ask?
M: Yes, lots! But I'm happy to save them for another session. Thank you so much.
HB: All thanks to you Child, for allowing the space (?) for us to draw close to the Earth's atmosphere for a while and talk with you of these things which interest and concern all like-minded Souls.
'Great joy we find in the sharing of truth and knowledge,
May All the World rejoice at the communing of our voices!'
Our sincere Prayers and love to you Dear Sister, until we next visit.
I hope you found this an interesting and informative session. If you have any questions or comments please feel free to leave them in the comments section below.
Love and Blessings
All Copyright IA Austin 2019©
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