Where is God?

In this World, the one in which those who are reading this currently exist, Materialism is King of All.

Over millenia, human evolution in terms of our outlook and needs pertaining to our survival, has become based more and more in that which our five physical senses are able to perceive.

The existence of all else, that which lies beneath, around and interpenetrating our individual reality, has been discounted as the ancient beliefs of naive and primitive Humans and more latterly, unbalanced kooks, self professed Mystics and the vaguely unhinged.
Discounted by Modern Man as having no basis in the Scientific or Material, or that which may be 'proved' by sight, sound, touch, smell or taste.

Our senses have become narrow and stunted. The majority of Humanity will only believe the physically perceptable and tangible that is right there, in front of them.
What were once the very natural abilities of seership and communication with that unseen, omnipresent Force, were pushed further and further out of our pervue, with the incessant march of the material.

Organised religion dubbed 'Evil' the abilities that Humans have always had; to see, appreciate, understand and communicate with the Supernormal Realm. The once firm and real connection and communing with all aspects of Nature, seen and unseen, gradually faded, to become the 'ancient' ways, Pagan in overtone, arcane and outdated.

However, just because our attention shifted to a belief in only the things which can be proved 'beyond doubt', scientifically and physically, does not mean that the Supernormal, the other realms and realities of existence, simply ceased to be.

It is within this context then, that we witness the growing secularisation of society, the shift away from an acknowledgement of those powerful creative forces with which the Universe is abundant.
While on the one hand, a movement away from organised religion and pious views is a triumph for our Spirit selves; out from under the thumb of powerful and ego- centric man-made spiritual structures, we may be free to explore our Spirituality and come to enquire and eventually aquire the understanding of our True Selves. 

Unfortunately however, the substitution with and pursuit of all things Material and Physical in substance, is a sad sickness that now seems to pervade our experience at every level and appears for the vast majority, to have pulled humanity even further away from their innate Spiritual attributes.
Materialism is the very antithesis of Spiritualism or Spirituality.

It speaks of 'what you see is what you get' and 'if you can't see it it doesn't matter or exist.'
Materialism is possibly, the greatest smokescreen humanity has yet encountered, obscuring the real nature of life and as it distracts the majority in an ever hungry pursuit of more and more, it forces a wider divide between our temporary Physical nature and our eternal Spirit nature, the Truth.

Where once we lived harmoniously within a natural landscape, linked by moon cycles, star constellations and seasons, we had the time and space to contemplate our relationship to the creative force of all life and our place within this great tapestry.
We celebrated our strong connection to the natural world around us and communed with the spirit nature and Elementals through rituals and our every day presence in the landscape.
Although, no Ellysium, as we were closer to life during this time, so we were closer to physical death and transition and therefore, to the forces that are interlinked with all stages of Life.
Indeed, Rites of Passage are still an integral part of many non-industrialised cultures, which mark a personal milestone in the context of their relationship with the familial landscape and an acknowledgement of a wider than simply 'physical' individual identity.

Where is God in all of this?

That which humans have come to name 'God', is the Natural Force of Conscious Creation, which underpins everything.

I view 'God' as that Conscious Energy, which birthed into existence all realms and dimensions, all life, through a conscious intent, an intelligent expression and expansion of the Creative Force, growing and evolving for infinity.
For that reason, what we call 'God' is Omnipresent. Some may wonder, that if 'God' is the Creator behind all things, isn't this same force responsible for the creation of Materialism?

We, as individual personalities, were created with the ability to make our own choices. God being present in all things means that that same Force may not be excluded from the physical and material. However, our choices are what creates the physical realm, our experience of it and how far we deviate from our Spiritual heritage is a choice that we make, daily. That responsibility is ours alone.

The very idea and personification of God as a benevolent, Grandfather figure, the smiling, all good, perfect being, has helped to mislead humanity, take us away from the real Truth.
God as a Creative Conscious Energy is ever evolving and growing from the constant input of information that we supply via our own experiences and Soul Progress. Many have asked 'if there was a God, why would he allow War?' We were not created as puppets with our strings attached to the All That Is. 

We have Free Choice (not Freewill, as that is a quite different thing). What we do with that very great, Personal Responsibility is left entirely to us.

If we choose peace over fighting we all win, if we choose love over hate, we all expand our Selves in that direction. We have choice at every step of the way.
Make no mistake about it, Humankind created war as a consequence of hate, suspicion and intolerance. It was not 'God Made'.
The lesson is to become BETTER as an individual and thus evolve as a 'Whole' species.
It is important to remember that a child does not learn the consequences of making a mess if a parent always cleans that mess up. The child simply learns that their actions have no consequence, when in fact, All Actions Have Consequences.

I find that the Source of All things is able to be witnessed, not only in ourselves and each other, but in nature.
The landscape that surrounds our towns, cities and urban sprawls, allows us to draw close to the elements of which our physical and Energetic self was created. It is here that we witness the sacred patterns and divine beauty of which we are an inextricable part.

The farther we stray from our natural, peaceful surroundings of trees and forests, rivers, lakes, flora and fauna, the sicker the human species becomes and the sicker the Earth becomes.
Industrialisation saw the dawning not only of towns and urban conurbations, taking us out of a more pastoral setting, but at the same time, in tandem with this, came the beginning of the pollution of our environment.

How sadly ironic then, that the more sick humanity becomes with the feverish need for the consumption of the Material, the weaker, more desolate and sicker the planet becomes too.
It is no coincidence that the dawning of the modern era of Spiritualism came at a time of burgeoning industrialisation, at that point where mechanisation and mass production was being born in the Western World.
The new wave of Spiritualisation was inspired and set into motion by those intelligences inhabiting the Other Side of Life, those who had the ability to know which direction humankind was beginning to choose and the consequences of those choices, for humanity and the Earth itself.

We have forgotten that we are nature, that we are One. The natural connection between all life has become numbed by the drug of abject Consumerism, the pox ridden bedfellow of Materialism.

We cannot separate out our True Selves from the rest of existence and we continue to do so at great peril.

All life is created by the same Creative Force and as such, the flower, the tree, the deer is as much a part of us as we are of it.

We are a link in the great chain of All Things and underlying all that exists (perceptible and imperceptible) is that which we have named 'God'.

As we go forward into the future, we must make great changes to the behaviours we have become accustomed to as a species.
I would suggest that a greater understanding of the true nature of ourselves as infinite Spirit Beings and our relationship to everything in this World and the next, will be essential in preserving planet Earth and Humanity for millenia to come.

If we discount our Spiritual heritage and reject the Truth that that which we call 'God' is Omnipresent, inside and outside of All Things, then we head for greater planetary dis-ease, ravage and destruction. 

We cannot continue to make separate that which was created as Brother and Sister. It is not only a very shortsighted attitude to life, but a path that leads away from all that we may be. 

As Always, please feel free to leave your comments and insights below.

Love and Blessings.

All Copyright IA Austin 2019©


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