It's a bit of a myth that you need to be some kind of Zen Monk to be able to meditate.

Meditation is not only something that we can ALL do, it is beneficial to everyone in a multitude of ways; think of a calmer, more focused, more relaxed You who no longer sweats the details but enjoys every moment as a gift to be cherished.

Sounds too good to be true?

Why not try these Top Tips to help you kick start a better, more chilled out life?

The only thing you've got to loose are those knotted muscles, tension headaches, stomach and digestive issues, anxiety and sleepless nights....


  • If you THINK you don't have enough time to sit still in peace and quiet, you're wrong. Those who continue to believe that 'Busy' equals 'Fulfilled' are working and living under a false premise.  

  • Carve out 10 Minutes a day (starting TODAY) and sit somewhere comfortable where you will be undisturbed. 

  • TURN OFF your phone. You are allowed to take 10 minutes of time for your own Well Being, even if you have children or other dependents.  As long as they are safe, you can sit.

  • Place your feet flat on the floor, your hands in your lap and close your eyes, or don't.  HOW you meditate is entirely up to you, try different positions until you find the one that YOU like the best

  • RELAX those shoulders and take a couple of deep (abdominal), slow breaths, in through the nose and sighed out through the mouth.

  • Try to remember that we are not silencing the mind entirely.  We are simply QUIETENING it.  Allow yourself to daydream and learn to let go.  No thought or image is forbidden, relax and try not to cling to any particular thing.

  • 'If it itches, it will be scratched!' This is a gentle practice, not an endurance sport; if you need to scratch your face or sneeze, that's perfectly fine. With practice these things will no longer gain your attention, but go EASY on yourself for a while.

  • Meditation is called a PRACTICE for a very good reason;  It is a learned skill that develops, deepens and gets better over time. It's a muscle that should be regularly flexed.

  • Be prepared for NOTHING to happen. Having realistic expectations of your first few sessions will mitigate any beginner's frustrations.  

  • You cannot do it 'Wrong'. This is a personal practice that will differ from anyone else's experience. Do not let stories of Sadhus and Gurus sitting, undisturbed for weeks at a time, experiencing Astral Travel, meeting Other-Worldly Beings, put YOU off from taking this opportunity for Personal Betterment.

  • If ten minutes is too much for you, start slower. Go at your OWN pace.

  • Keep a journal.  I know it may sound a little hippy-dippy (I make no apologies for that), but if you keep a note of your practice, not only will you be able to appreciate how far you have come in a few weeks time, but you can keep track of the benefits that you are beginning to enjoy.  All from having that little bit of time for YOURSELF.

All the very best of luck to you and remember; if you have any questions or experiences you'd like to share, please do so in the comments section below.

Love and Blessings.

All Copyright IA Austin 2019©


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