Today the Higher Beings of Light connect with us to talk about some
 perfect Summer Time topics;
Glorious Nature: The Stuff of Life, Healing Energies, Natural Medicine for the Spirit and Experiencing Water in the Spirit World.

'We come forth today to discuss a little on the subject of a most fundamental element to those of you in the Earth Condition as well as those of us, here in the Great Beyond.

We feel that the comparison and contrasting facets of such fundamental things will be of interest to Man, including your good self, our instrument.
We alighted upon this subject as we drew close and watched you looking at that body of water, which flowed forth, across your feet and toes. (Medium: I had been emptying a children's paddling pool earlier this afternoon!).  Your wonderment and inquiry sparked by ourselves, created a desire to learn more of this great element of nature and indeed, Creation.

There are many living on your own side of life who would simply ignore this substance and more still for whom the availability of such a substance is barely noticed and certainly not thought about above and beyond the quenching of one's thirst or the cleansing of the physical body.

Like all things in your particular and current Sphere of reality, the awareness of the majority is given over, not to the wonders around and about, but to the infernal material, the blight of consuming, the ill of the so-called, 'Modern World'.

Nature or the natural surrounding, is absolutely key to the Self, both physical and Spiritual (if we are to divide up a whole personality in such away). The vibrations, the energy that naturally is generated and emanates from each blade of grass, each leaf or petal, provides medicine, if you will, for all those in your World. Though it is true to say that physical cures from plants can be used with great efficacy for physical ailments, there is a much Greater Power at work here.  One which is under appreciated and goes  largely unnoticed by those who exist in the reality shared by you.

We are most pleased however, that recently an awareness amongst certain enlightened members of the Medical Community have begun to recommend the 'Great Outdoors' to those suffering from the maladies of the modern, human condition.  But, they continue so far, to fall short in their understanding of the medicine in all of it's complexity. 
There has been work over many years, by those with a scientific bent, to attain a more honed and complete knowledge of Energy Frequency and the links and benefits to human physiology; Energy frequency, variation, wave length and oscillation among them. You are able now to talk in terms of what scientists called 'Ions', both the positive and the negative, which is moving further forward along the right track, in our own minds.

In terms of the Natural Environ, Physical Humans are able to harmonise their Spiritual or Energetic Selves, when in such surroundings, thus dampening or even eliminating maladies of the mind, body and Spirit. 
Those natural areas of tree and leaf are most beneficial to all who access them.  There is not a single person to be found who does not benefit on an energetic level, from balancing their own Spirit bodies with those of the flower and bud or the grass underfoot.  

Earthly physicians would have it that this effect is due to the 'fresh air' and peaceful solitude to be found in such arenas of natural beauty, but truly, I say to you all, that the benefits and the Medicine itself, goes far beyond the simple pleasure one may gain from the sights and sounds of nature alone, however worthy these attributes.

It is a little known fact on your side that the rays or radiation of light contain particular substances and elements that harmonise one's energetic body. You have the knowledge that the light contains properties to assist in the production of certain elements essential to the physical body. Sadly, yet again, the focus entirely upon the physical takes precedence. 
What is unknown or at least, still in its gestation to Earth's science, is the yet un-measured action of light upon the individual's 'Light Body'.

Concrete, pavements, brick and cement buildings are all physical matter and they vibrate at the very lower end of the frequency of things. Humans, surround themselves in forests of concrete, with chimneys, spewing all manner of detritus into the atmosphere and expect to continue to live long and healthy (physically, mentally and Spiritually) lives.  
But these city surroundings although essential in terms of shelter, are not in the least bit harmonious(frequency wise) with the Spirit of a man.  

That is of fundamental import.

The natural surroundings provide Medicine on an energetic level; they balance and harmonise that which man truly is- Spirit Energy.
If this is in good working order, then physical illness can not find foothold in a person.  
It is so very simple.  
But as your science fails yet, to measure the efficacy of Nature at this point in time, humanity gets sicker of mind, body and Spirit. 
(We do not even begin here to talk of the destruction of Natural surroundings on the Earth!)

'We ask that you take this knowledge, these words, to the people of your World.  
That they know and understand the multiple facets and benefits of the Medicine of Nature.'

Now to the subject upon which we started; Water.  

There are many stark differences between that substance upon the Earth and here in Our World, though in both realms, water is a life giver of sorts.

On the Earth water provides essential elements and chemical processes to feed and nourish plant and animal life.  This is understood, is it not? It is not  enough simply to pour water onto a thirsty plant in dry soil, making it wet and therefore nourishing it. No, far more, minute, unseen processes are at work. 

It is said by some more illuminated souls on your side of existence, that water has a higher vibrational frequency of all of the earth's components, closest to matching the frequency of the Spirit World. While this is indeed true to an extent, there is also much that is overlooked.  
Science also acknowledges that bodies of moving, 'living' water, such as rivers and seas, create and radiate negative ions, which help to neutralise and cleanse an individual of positive ions that collect in one's energy field and physical body, from continued exposure to electrical and technical appliances in your world.  
You are constantly bombarded with these man made emissions, which are harmful to your energetic balance and are the cause of many of your earthly maladies and illnesses.

To go to the ocean or to sit beside a lake that gently laps at the shore 
is Medicine for the Soul indeed.  
This is largely due to it's harmonising and balancing energetic effect. 

On our side of existence 'Water' as an element is wondrous and most different!
When I first came to plunge my hand into cool water here, I was astonished to watch the water retreat from my hand immediately I withdrew it! Water here, being of an even finer, etheric quality does not have the ability to dampen or soak!  How I laughed upon discovering this for myself!  Even the entire Self, submerged in water here, will not render the body the slightest bit wet!

Yet it has the most beneficial and efficacious properties to health and life in this World. 
We too have vast bodies of water on this side, though on a scale that you may find difficult to comprehend.  Larger lakes than those on the Earth, oceans, smaller pools and streams.  

The streams are particularly delightful here as they are home to a most varied vista of life; insects akin to your dragon-flies, beauteous butterflies, tiny birds that dip in and out of the water with their ever colourful plumage sparkling and glinting in the sun. Fish with golden and iridescent scales, the like of which are not known to the Earth.  Not to mention the small, dainty folk, the wing-ed beings who flit across the water, back and forth, gathering the sweet nectar of the blooms that grow therein.  

Water is also channelled here, all by the will of those much higher and the Great Unseen Hand.  It is found in all places and always in municipal spaces as a tonic and 'Energy Boost' to refresh the people here at any time they choose.  We have small, shallow channels, a foot wide and six inches in depth, that flow gently in and around all communal areas and pathways.  

It has the most melodious sound here too! Water is musical on our side, yes! 
I happened upon this particular glorious facet and I offer my word, my truth, in the presence of the Creator, that it is indeed so.

There are public areas and spaces a plenty here and in such areas, 'Water Cascades' abound; akin I am want to say, to a glorious helter-skelter on the Earth- only much taller and made of a white material which is not so much a 'building material' as you would understand it.  
The structures may stand as tall as sixty to one hundred feet and have many channels spiralling water downward, through water wheels and chutes, it sings, tinkles and chimes as it descends!
It is a beautiful sight and we often gather in the surrounding spaces, laying upon the grass to watch and listen.  

There is a colour to the water here too, that Earth's counterpart does not have to it.  We have a spectrum of colours here that are beyond what the physical eye or World may ever experience.  Colours that by dint of their wave length, exist only here. Physical words are therefore insufficient to use to describe them to you, but I offer my truthful word once again when I say, never will you have seen such beauty!  As water here vibrates and sings in such wonderful harmony as to be Divine, so colours form above, around and inside the water itself. It emanates from it and through it. 
The closest comparison with a similar earthly experience is that of sunlight catching a spray of fine mist or water and creating a rainbow.  Though that seems somewhat diminutive in comparison.  

The colours and the fineness of the water substance itself, is used often to harmonise, balance and regenerate here.
Any time contact is made between Self and substance here, an exhilaration is felt throughout! 
It is the colour, light and sound absorbed by the Spirit body, all at once, to produce a most uplifting and efficacious result!

I hope that I have given a small sample of how things here differ beyond what one may dare to imagine whilst resident in matter.  If I have fallen short in any description, I am utterly bound to say to you all, that only upon your crossing the Great Divide, will you come to fully appreciate the wonders that await! 

How particularly joyous it has been to commune with you today, our Dear friend.  
May the day's of your life find you bathed in the sights and sounds of the Great Spirit's love for you.

We look forward so much to coming again to you.


All Copyright IA Austin 2019©
(Picture Credits exempt)

All Copyright I A Austin 2019  


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