You are Psychic! Top 10 Tips on How to Develop Your Intuitive Senses

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You are a Beautiful, Sacred, Eternal Spirit Being. 

As such a being, intrinsic to your DNA are the Psychic Senses that are inherent within you.

Psychic or Soul Senses are aspects of your intuition, they are of the Spirit, a very natural part of your make up and as such everyone has them.

We've all had gut feelings, intuitive hunches or feelings about a person or place. As people focused on the physical and material, we have learnt to brush such insights aside, we may feel uncomfortable with them or try to rationalise them by using our five Physical Senses and scientific reasoning to account for feeling, sensing or experiencing such things.

Have you ever met someone for the first time and instantly disliked them? Maybe you've felt as if someone is staring at you, only to look up and see someone doing just that?

These are simple, everyday examples of your own intuitive senses being utilised.  It may be argued that such feelings are simply instincts that are a hangover from our prehistoric beginnings, where being aware of our surroundings and having heightened physical senses kept us safe from predators and alive to continue to breed and evolve.

I would say that our Psychic Senses are actually part of our True Self. That is the essence of us that is linked to timelessness and is immortal.  These Senses exist as a part of our wider intelligence and exist not only to remind us of  who we really are, but to help us connect to others and also to keep us safe.

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In the Spirit Realm communication is Mind to Mind or Telepathic. As all things physical are of the Earth Realm, in the World of the Spirit, there is no need for speech as we understand it.

It is true that intuitive abilities are closer to the surface of some people's consciousness than others.  But that does not mean that only a small minority possess them.

Obviously, there is a vast difference between having knowledge of one's Psychic senses and developing them sufficiently to be used in the Service of others.
If you choose the path of Service, it is your responsibility to develop your abilities to their very highest realisation.

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Top 10 Tips on
Developing Your Psychic Senses:
(*Please do not attempt to develop any Psychic or Mediumistic ability if you are suffering or have suffered from a mental illness as this may exacerbate your condition. Always seek appropriate medical advice before beginning on your development.*)

  1. Find a reputable Psychic Development Circle to sit in weekly.
  2. Seek out an intelligent, grounded and experienced Teacher.
  3. Read around your subject as much as possible (you cannot have too much knowledge).
  4. Patience, Patience, Patience. Development is a journey, not a destination.
  5. Prioritise Spiritual Development: Development of one's Spirit makes all the difference.
  6. Don't Dabble! Developing Spiritual Senses is a great responsibility and a Sacred Path.
  7. Be Ethical and Moral: you will encounter many vulnerable people on your journey. Be prepared and act responsibly.
  8. Be Sensible! There is a lot of rubbish out there these days concerning Psychic and Mediumistic Development. Don't believe everything you read.
  9. Just because someone is famous or has a TV show does not mean they are a good example. Always remember that TV shows are concerned with entertainment, ratings and revenue, nothing more.
  10. Sit in the Quiet daily to connect with your True Self and your Spirit Helpers.

Have you had intuitive experiences? Do you believe we are all Psychic? Are you looking to develop your Soul Senses?

As always, please feel free to comment below,

Love and Blessings.


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