'As Limitless Beings You have the Ability To Transcend All Hurdles.'
'So we say unto you; As fleshy humans you often times feel as though you are trapped in conditions of unhappiness, that you are afforded no real choices and that there is no part which you may play in your own life-direction. You may often feel swept along by the circumstances and results of the behaviour of others and bound by the emotions and attitudes that many individuals, throughout your earthly existence, lay at your door. We come today to remind you that it is simply not true that you are immobilised or tied to any unfortunate circumstance in which you find yourself. As a Being of Infinite Possibility, YOU have all that is required to change the direction, the course of your life. There is nothing that binds you that is not of perception or mental-making. These things are of the Human Condition, but they are not of the Real You. The actual, True You is Expansive Energy, ever existent, ever learning, ever growing, changing, moving through...