
Showing posts from April, 2019

'As Limitless Beings You have the Ability To Transcend All Hurdles.'

'So we say unto you; As fleshy humans you often times feel as though you are trapped in conditions of unhappiness, that you are afforded no real choices and that there is no part which you may play in your own life-direction. You may often feel swept along by the circumstances and results of the behaviour of others and bound by the emotions and attitudes that many individuals, throughout your earthly existence, lay at your door. We come today to remind you that it is simply not true that you are immobilised or tied to any unfortunate circumstance in which you find yourself. As a Being of Infinite Possibility, YOU have all that is required to change the direction, the course of your life. There is nothing that binds you that is not of perception or mental-making. These things are of the Human Condition, but they are not of the Real You. The actual, True You is Expansive Energy, ever existent, ever learning, ever growing, changing, moving through...

'Be The Lamplighters' - A Message from Spirit

'Go forth and be the l amplighters. Use y our own Divine Spark to ignite the spark in someone else and let your light shine into the darkness that another may see it. For too long now, you have all been downcast and downhearted, forgetting that you too are sacred and a part of All Creation. Turn towards the warm glow of the Truth of Everything and let your flame be kindled by the Creator of All Things, the Source of All. Once you are filled with light, then comes hope and hope is what you may pass on to others. The hope that there is a better way, a more enduring way, a more profitable way. For when our Spirit's illuminate one another we ALL benefit. You are your Saviours. You choose how to live, how to behave towards one another; that responsibility, that burden, lies with you and you alone. But fear not, the light within can never be extinguished it is perpetual, as the ever-coming dawn, the eternal sunrise, bringing burgeoning hope to a new day. A n...

'How do you know what a great change you could bring to the world, if you don't even try?'

As I sit in a room in my home, which is dedicated to all aspects of my Spiritual work and development, I often find myself falling into in a light Trance. It's quite common to all of us and is what most people understand as 'zoning out'. I prefer to think of it as 'Zoning In' because it is a change of conscious awareness that allows me to become receptive to the thoughts and words of discarnate Spirit people and my Guides and Helpers on the Other Side of Life who usually take these opportunities to draw close to me and offer comfort, assistance or inspiration. As I sat in my room today and tuned in, relaxing both my body and mind, I let myself drift gently down into that wonderful state of consciousness where we live our daydreams and musings. I became aware of a voice belonging to my band of wonderful helpers. They issued this question; `How do you know what change you could make to the World if you don't even try? ' Thi...

Everything is in a State of 'Becoming'

As I sat in my usual meditation this morning, I experienced many wonderful things; from the swirling violet colours in my vision, to time expanding and contracting at it's own will, to the many faces that swam in and out of my auric field. I flew out of my physical body and found myself hovering above an enormous and noble tree. It stood alone on a wide, open plain. The grass was a shade of green not found in our Earthly experience and the blue sky above had a clarity that renders it almost indescribable.  In the distance, far off, embracing the very edges of the plain, were majestic snow capped mountains, each its own Matterhorn or Mckinley and shaded in hazy blues, heather purples and smoky greys. The noble tree stood as tall as a house and wider still, forked at the top of the thick, smooth trunk, the branches reached out in perfect symmetry, all the way around. Each branch was covered in hundreds of perfect verdant leaves. In my altered state of aware...

You are Psychic! Top 10 Tips on How to Develop Your Intuitive Senses

You are a Beautiful, Sacred, Eternal Spirit Being.  As such a being, intrinsic to your DNA are the Psychic Senses that are inherent within you. Psychic or Soul Senses are aspects of your intuition, they are of the Spirit, a very natural part of your make up and as such everyone has them. We've all had gut feelings, intuitive hunches or feelings about a person or place. As people focused on the physical and material, we have learnt to brush such insights aside, we may feel uncomfortable with them or try to rationalise them by using our five Physical Senses and scientific reasoning to account for feeling, sensing or experiencing such things. Have you ever met someone for the first time and instantly disliked them? Maybe you've felt as if someone is staring at you, only to look up and see someone doing just that? These are simple, everyday examples of your own intuitive senses being utilised.  It may be argued that such feelings are simply instincts that are a ha...

New Age or Ancient Wisdom?

Why are modern Esoteric Movements looked down upon by mainstream society when they could hold the key to All of Our futures? When people think of the New Age Movement they may visualise hippie festivals, the smell of patchouli oil, well travelled middle class people who have spent time in Ashrams in India or on retreats with indigenous peoples across the world. These New Agers, in some minds at least, speak a language of crystals, Shamanism, Energy Healing, Ancestral Karmic Emotions and being at one with nature. The New Age movement itself is most widely thought to have been born out of 1960s counter-culture revolutions, as an antithesis to western norms and values and led by people who would do anything not to become their parents and grandparents. Some sources say that it can be traced back to a 1950s fascination with Space, Roswell Alien landings and the Sputnik generation, whilst others recognise a slightly more historical genesis, germinated by Swedenborg, Blatvat...

Why Your Thoughts are Living Things and How the Universe is Responding to them

Everything is energy. Just think about that for a second. Physical matter is energy which is vibrating at a low enough frequency to make objects (such as chairs, tables, bodies etc) appear 'solid'. As Beings, we are animated by Life Force Energy (known also as Prana and Chi). Everything both in and around us is a wonderful mass of energetic particles, atoms, protons, electrons and neutrons, acting and reacting upon one another to create the reality in which we live. Tap on a table or stamp on the floor. It is scientific fact that what we perceive as solid is actually a whole lot of atoms, vibrating and constantly moving around each other, albeit reasonably close together. There is an intelligence at work here, something that no scientist has quite put their finger on, I believe that the closest approximation that Human Kind has found is the anthropomorphism named as 'God'. The words we speak, the music we listen too, our heartbeat, the air we breathe, is ALL...