Trust in The Light Within.

Trust in the Light Within

(A message to all those who walk a Spiritual Pathway, from The Higher Beings of Light.)

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Today we wish to come forth and address an issue that we know troubles many of you on the Earth.

You have nothing to fear within yourself. There is no darkness, only the light of the Divine Flame, burning within your midst. 
The loving hand of the Creator of All Things does not make mistakes and although perfection is not possible as physical matter, what inhabits the physical is that same said Perfection, simply waiting for a chance to express itself.

At each centre there is a single point of light that asks to grow in brightness and clarity, that it may illuminate not only yourself but given a chance, others too.
That is the All Loving Point at which you, as an eternal energetic being, exist. 
It is not for you to understand all now child. Through many, many lifetimes that personal knowledge becomes an all encompassing awareness that then takes shape and form, growing, breathing, expanding, becoming. 
Throughout the process that takes millenia, there is simply nothing to fear, for the Great One would simply never be able to cast you adrift, a single soul on a vast ocean, cutting all ties to the Universal Harbor.

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We seek that you may know, truly know, that you do not ever tread upon the path of your existence alone. It is not within the design of things that you would or could ever be abandoned by the Creative Force that is around and within you.

You are, so to speak, a link in an eternal chain of conscious development that can never exist in separation from the rest.

Fear is a dark and dismal aspect with no basis in your actual reality as a loving, creating, everlasting Spiritual Energy.
Fear has no place within the evolved substance of the Higher Forces of nature, both intimate and at large. 

We understand how fear exists in a world of low Vibrational matter; particles may be charged either negatively or positively, but this is due to the vibration which penetrates the surrounding atmosphere; that is to say that if the vibration of oneself and others is positively focused, then the particles of matter are positively charged. It is that simple.

Fear and darkness exist where love and light do not, yet one may easily be replaced by the other! 
It is our greatest wish that all on Earth should begin to understand this.

Bring light into the shadows!

Cast loving thoughts to those lost and hopeless souls!

Begin to fill your atmosphere with such positivity that no element of fear could ever find foot hold!

This we bring to you as Teachers resident on this Other Side of Life, where we watch you carefully and bring to you only what you may need and use to make yours a better experience for All.
May you ever dwell in Peace and Love and the knowledge that those that love you beyond all else are always awaiting opportunity to give teaching and Service to your World.



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