Our Love, Formidable and Strong.

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Image result for spiritual heart picImage result for spiritual heart pic
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We come forth today to speak to you all of an issue, or topic that is naturally of great importance to you. Although we speak through the Amplifier of our Instrument (that which you acknowledge as 'Medium'), our greatest wish is that we may add a richness of knowledge and understanding to your lives as you hurry about on your earthly errands.

 If we may add depth to that which you experience, even in the far distant future, then we consider our task fulfilled and our purpose a very happy one.

The Instrument is placed upon the Earth at this moment in order that we may (as a group) touch as many hearts, minds and Spirits as possible. To be Human is to be frail and suffer decay, to be Spirit is to know that the Whole Universe is of You and to realise one's Eternal Nature.

How you suffer our Friends!

It does not go unnoticed from our place of viewing. Each and every word uttered allowed to reverberate and be 'caught' (for want of a better word), acknowledged and understood by us.
But our greatest wish is that you know that at no time are you unloved and forgotten, though day after day so many of you struggle forth. If we may divert you for a moment, away from all that ails you, allow us then to pour the soothing oil of our love upon your turbulent waters. 

We seek to do only the very best, that which we offer is never command or precept; simply a flowing forth of beneficent love and acceptance for every living thing.

'Take up what is needed, but discard the rest! Do not be over encumbered with words and notions, but remain free to act as the wonderful individual you are.'

Be not afraid. 
When we pierce the gloom between this Worldly Atmos and your own (wherein you presently dwell), it is as if swimming through oily water, difficult to find a foothold, an anchor point through which to associate. Yet, we continue to try and try hard, as it is our Love for you, each and every one, that necessitates such perseverance.

The vision of beauty that awaits you all, you can not possibly yet understand!
Our friends, Love is what brings us to your door; Love of You, The Great Spirit and our Service to each. Love is that which binds us all as the energetic glue that gives substance to all life.
Not of the sort that Human Kind often thinks; that is not the entire picture. There is so much more. 

It is very difficult to express that which Loving Energy is, through the verbal, physical means, but we will try to make it plain that the majority should grasp it.

The space in between all things is a living energy a 'Life Force'. It is true that we understand this as the Creative and Animating influence to All that has life. The Spirit is in all things, part of the Great Spirit itself is in each and every One. The Space between all atoms of life is not simply without, it is not emptiness, it is filled with substance, not yet understood by the Scientific Minds of your World.

Imagine if you will, a glass filled with water and bubbles. The bubbles are small pockets with the water around them. Water is substantial and easy to quantify in all of its elemental nature. It is of substance. All life is just so. The particles are the bubbles and the life force akin to the water.
There is no empty space, for there can be no vacuum; as you teach in your World, nature cannot withstand a vacuum.

We try to make you aware, only to broaden your perspective, to offer you insight, that this stuff of creation, this Energy Of All Life, is Love itself.

You All began, at your Essential Beginning, as a Loving Thought of the Great Creative Consciousness itself; the energy from whence you came expanded you into being, through a conscious, focused beam of loving Energy; You were 'Loved into Existence', if you will.
This is in your very make up. That which wished so much to give you an individual consciousness did so out of a deep Love that you would go forward, into life, carrying that Divine Energy with you, for all eternity.

Do you see now that you are Love? 
Even in your darkest moments, even at your Human worst, you are and will always be, the essence of that which created you;
Conscious, Expanding, Loving Energy.

If you truly, deeply understood this single point, it is our wish that you would see you through our vision;
All precious, All unique, All invaluable.

We ask, via this instrument (who is sometimes difficult to work through with her constant questioning and doubts!) that you may take a moment today, if you are inclined to do so, to sit in peace and quietitude momentarily and allow your Real and True Self (that which is Loving Spirit Energy) to rise up to the surface of your physical being.

We hope that we have been able to make ourselves understood today as we feel that this lesson could reverberate throughout your worldly communities, that each man and woman acknowledge the Great Truth and Realisation that;

All Is Love and All Is One.

It is our fervent wish to come forth and speak to you again friends, for we look upon your World and try to do that which we can.
In All Light, Truth and Glory


A Message to us All from the Higher Beings of Light today.

What does Love mean to you? Is Love an exclusively human emotion? How many different types of Love can you think of?

As always, Please do comment, Like and Share,

Love and Blessings.

(Copyright IA Austin 2019)


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