My Journey
To Serve the Great Spirit, People of the Spirit World and Humanity, is the greatest joy and privilege of my life.
It doesn't matter how I am feeling, whether I am tired, under the weather or facing other difficulties in my life, feeling that loving energy from Source, coursing through me while I work will always fill me with serenity and a sense of peaceful contentment.
That is not to say that the pathway of a Spiritual Worker is an easy one, it really isn't. We still exist, for the main part, in physical bodies, in a material realm, with the same concerns and hardships as others. Being Spiritually awakened is not a free pass to life; if anything, one might argue that it opens us up to some very strong life lessons that we may feel an even deeper connection to our natural Spiritual heritage.
I am happy to be an emissary of Spirit, on the Earth and in many ways it has made sense of certain feelings and callings I have had since I was a child.
At 7 years of age I can clearly recall sitting under a grand old oak tree with my childhood best friend, talking to the Spirit of the tree and saying little prayers in it's dappled shade. I talked of longing to become some holy itinerant, but was decided on being a Franciscan Monk, because I liked their habits best and I would never concede to covering my hair with the convent Whimple!
I have always felt that the closest to 'God' one may be, is outside in nature and the countryside, where the evidence of the Universal Creative Consciousness is abundant and undeniable. As such I would spend time sat high up in our crabapple tree, listening to birdsong and letting the breeze carry away my thoughts into an intelligent Universe, which I knew was always listening.
I suppose, looking back, my pathway was set from the very beginning. Even through my teenage years of swinging wildly between agnosticism and atheism, when I lost someone close to me, I knew that there must be something else, that physical death was not the end of the story.
This led me to study culture and world religion widely, studying Anthropology at University and settling on a broadly Buddhist outlook.
But Spirit had different ideas.
It is often said that when it comes to serving the Divine Spirit,
'Many are called but few are chosen'
I would certainly say mine was a very deep rooted calling and as many times as I wandered away from the path I'd agreed to tread before this incarnation, an invisible guiding hand always eventually led me, gently back.

Finally, when my wonderful Guides and Helpers thought the time had come for me to begin my development in earnest, they made themselves very clear!
I was getting ready for work one day, washing my hair, when a man's voice spoke very clearly to me;
I was getting ready for work one day, washing my hair, when a man's voice spoke very clearly to me;
Your bow is bent and made ready.'
In that moment, I knew implicitly what I had to do. My Guides were telling me straight, this was the moment and this is why I had come to the Earth, it was time to work on fulfilling the contract I had made with the Divine Spirit.
There were multiple synchronicities which led me to my Teacher and to a group of fellow Spiritual Learners, who I now consider my closest friends.
It was the eminent Spirit Guide, Silver Birch, who said that;
'Service is the true coin of the Spirit.'
The development of my own latent Mediumship has only ever been in order that I may serve others.
In a true sense it does not belong to me, but is on loan for the duration of my sojourn on the Earth, to do good and touch the Souls of those I meet.
In a true sense it does not belong to me, but is on loan for the duration of my sojourn on the Earth, to do good and touch the Souls of those I meet.
I hope to do that beyond all else.
How did you begin on your Spiritual Journey? Were there moments in your childhood when you felt the call to Serve? Did your Journey start later in life?
As always, please feel free to comment below and join in the discussion.
How did you begin on your Spiritual Journey? Were there moments in your childhood when you felt the call to Serve? Did your Journey start later in life?
As always, please feel free to comment below and join in the discussion.
Love and Blessings.
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