The Great Unseen Help.
This is not intended to be a self indulgent or navel gazing kind of post, in fact, I hope that it will serve to uplift each and everyone of you. We all have times of great sadness, suffering and need, it is, after all, part of our human experience.
I therefore, sincerely hope, that this post will remind you of your proximity to those Spirit people who love and care about you and understand that their greatest wish is for your health and contentment.
I have recently been learning a life lesson about chronic pain. It has taught me many valuable things, including greater compassion for those who live with pain everyday of their lives. I choose not to dwell for too long on the subject of dis-ease because I am a firm believer in the Universal Law that states;
'That which is like unto itself is drawn.'
More recently coined by the channelled works of Esther, Jerry and Abraham Hicks as 'The Law of Attraction'.
Infact, I am purposefully choosing a path of wellness now as I relax into accepting the wonderful health that is flowing into my experience, thanks to their wonderful book:
Infact, I am purposefully choosing a path of wellness now as I relax into accepting the wonderful health that is flowing into my experience, thanks to their wonderful book:
'The Astonishing Power of Emotions; Let Your Feelings Be Your Guide.' (Esther & Jerry Hicks, Hay House Publishing 2007).
If you haven't read it I highly recommend it, for many I feel it would be a positively life changing read (no sponsorship deals here!).
As Spirit beings experiencing human lives for a short time, we have many things to learn, not all of them joyous. We will encounter pain and grief, sadness, hopelessness as well as their positive counterpoints.
When the going gets particularly tough, as it all too often does, even those who would under normal circumstances consider themselves without any fixed Spiritual belief, may find themselves, quite inexplicably perhaps, asking a Higher Power for assistance.
These times when we hit rock bottom are often the 'Crucible Moments' as I like to call them, the catalysts for seeking a close-ness with a larger, omnipotent power, handing over the reigns to someone or something else, that we may be freed of our suffering. To 'Let go and Let God.'
These times when we hit rock bottom are often the 'Crucible Moments' as I like to call them, the catalysts for seeking a close-ness with a larger, omnipotent power, handing over the reigns to someone or something else, that we may be freed of our suffering. To 'Let go and Let God.'
This may then lead one to the beginnings of a gradual Spiritual Awakening, where one seeks out more knowledge of others with shared experiences and very gently opens up to a greater understanding of Spiritual inheritance.
There are those who argue that this visceral need for the loving balm of a great Father or Mother-like being in our hour of need is where religion and therefore spirituality sprang from. But I truly believe that those 'dark nights of the Soul', when we reach out for help from the Great Unseen, are reminders of Who We Truly Are. The Spirit part of us, at a very deep level, prompts us to remember from whence we came. It whispers up from the very Centre of our Beings;
'Ask for help from the Great Universal Consciousness, you will never be turned away.'
The Higher Beings of Light
As I lay in my bed last night, consciously practising releasing my resistance to the experience of 'Pain', no longer trying to run away from it or distract myself but seeking relief in the thoughts that my wellness will come 'all in good time', a Spirit helper of mine appeared.
He was the first Healing Guide that I was aware of working with at the very beginning of my Mediumistic journey and it felt quite wonderful to be reunited with such a dear friend.
He appears to me as an old Native American man, with long white hair and a sun beaten and wrinkled face. He rarely smiles as he is serious in his work, but there is an unspoken bond between us, as if he is my own Grandfather or Great Uncle, I always feel safe and loved when he appears. I experience our meetings Clairvoyantly, or with the perception of Psychic Sight or 'Clear Seeing'. It is an extraordinary faculty, where the 'Mind's Eye' (as it is more commonly known) picks up the finer vibrations of the Spirit World as it interconnects with our own.
He appears to me as an old Native American man, with long white hair and a sun beaten and wrinkled face. He rarely smiles as he is serious in his work, but there is an unspoken bond between us, as if he is my own Grandfather or Great Uncle, I always feel safe and loved when he appears. I experience our meetings Clairvoyantly, or with the perception of Psychic Sight or 'Clear Seeing'. It is an extraordinary faculty, where the 'Mind's Eye' (as it is more commonly known) picks up the finer vibrations of the Spirit World as it interconnects with our own.
It was with great relief that my Guide worked on me, blowing smoke towards me, using a Medicine Rattle, White Sage and other tools of his earthly trade, whilst telling me what practical means I should engage to effect greater physical healing in my Earthly form.
Within five minutes the familiar words 'it is done' and I drifted off to sleep. A longer and more comfortable period of sleep than I have enjoyed in many weeks.
Then, as I was gently woken by the birdsong at seven o'clock this morning, in that almost blissful state of resurfacing to full waking consciousness, I was aware of my Spirit Self being gently returned to its Physical state. Three Spirit People were stood close by and I heard one say very clearly to me;
'You cried out and we were sent to be by your side.'
How wonderful to hear those words! How comforting and uplifting and not only for me in my hour of need, but for all those who suffer, whether it be for an hour or a lifetime.
It is stated in the Christian Holy Book, more than once that:
' He has given his angels charge over thee.'
Meaning that whatever may befall us, whatever crisis we may face, whatever our pain and suffering, we never, ever face it alone. There are ALWAYS, without exception, beings on the Other Side of Life, who rush to be by our side, to soothe our worries, to stroke our brows, to give us Unconditional Love and Support.
I knew without question that the three Beings with me overnight were not discarnate family members, though I know that my Maternal Grandmother spends a lot of her time in the Spirit Life, petitioning on my behalf!
Whether you have a belief in Angels, Angelic Beings, Beings of Light, or have any Spiritual understanding or not makes no difference.
They do exist and will not cease to exist or stop carrying out their benevolent acts of love simply because of your disbelief.
I know (because as a Medium I am lucky enough to see and speak to such Beings) that their existence is certain, they are omnipresent, multi-dimensional entities, meaning that they do not have the constraints of time, space or 'reality'.
I tell you all of this today because the Spirit People, the Spirit Helpers, are absolutely unequivocal in their Unconditional Love and Compassion for each and every one of us. There is no division due to Race, Religion, Nationality, they do not favour one above another.
Their's is a great army of workers, always ready to be mobilised in the aid of their Earthly kin. It matters not whether you physically hear them respond to your cries for help, they respond to each and every anguished plea, stepping forward to apply salve to all of our wounds.
It is really to our great detriment that we have let this Sacred Union be usurped by modern life. Because at some point we will all cry out for help and without question the call will be answered and help will arrive.
For those who suffer there is no greater knowledge.
Rest quietly in the embrace of the Loving Power.
Help is always on it's way.
Do you have any related experiences you'd like to share?
As always, please feel free to comment below.
With Love and Blessings.
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