Welcome to today's blog post! 
It's definitely turned rather Autumnal outside (here in the Northern Hemisphere anyway), so time to cosy up in the warm, with a mug of something hot and continue our Spiritual Development in the comfort of our homes.  

I for one, am fascinated by today's topic on the existence of Angels. 
We are surrounded by images of beautiful, winged creatures, particularly as Christmastime approaches and as you would expect, every culture has their own unique take on the subject. 
Through my Mediumship, I work with many people who seem to be rather divided on the subject of Angels, their legendary hierarchy and the Archangels of Biblical and Kabbalistic teachings.

So, I was absolutely thrilled when a discarnate Spirit Teacher decided to share with me, his knowledge on the subject, through the practice of Automatic Writing.

A few caveats to begin:

1/ When I work with Spirit Entities through Automatic Writing, I understand that it is NOT a single individual that I am working with. Very often the writing includes the nominative plural 'We' and therefore I accept that this information is passed down along a chain of Discarnate Beings, to one of my Controls*and then transferred to me.
2/ The Teachings that are offered to us via this process are not necessarily the LAST WORD on any given subject. I would always encourage you to read as much as you can from other sources, particularly well respected Authors.
(I always try to be objective in viewing any information imparted this way and would suggest that other readers do too.)
3/ I remain open minded. As Seekers of The Truth, we all reserve the right to believe that which sits comfortably within our Being and discard that which does not.
4/ The Teachings that are passed on through me are to be shared with all like-minded Souls, not as tenets or dogma to be blindly followed, but as seeds of Truth, that may spark more thought and discussion on the subject.
5/ You should always be guided by your own intuition and are allowed to believe what you please!

A sample of my Automatic Writing 

(*'Control'- a Spirit Guide who works in close cooperation within the Energetic Field of a Medium, in order to transfer words, images and ideas.) 

'On Angelic Beings' by Theosophus* 

( *This is the name I was given. Rather appropriately it translates from the Ancient Greek, meaning 'Divinely Wise'). 

'You must know the things of Love- We speak of Divine Love, the love that The Creator has for All Things. You must know the things of Spirit; this is of great importance, in particular, to know how 'Spirit' is the Giver of Life, how this substance is sustained, how it 'works', so to speak.
These things are vastly important to one such as yourself, who will go on to Teach. 

It is these things that we wish to focus on today.

May you be calm and relaxed and understand that all is in hand and even those things which you do not yet know of are all part of the Great Plan and therefore, diligently mapped out before your coming and Perfect in their design.

There are the Things of Love, in it's aspect as a Divine Force, Ray or Energy. (We will pause to show you, in your mind, with great clarity.) *At this point the Medium was shown an image of a vast field of Loving Energy, spreading outwards from the deepest realms of space, flowing to All Things.

Those Beings, the Angels, The Healers, The Light Beings, they who come forward in your times of need:

Ask Nothing,
Take Nothing,
Receive Nothing,
But Give All.

Oh! But it were so for the humans of your World! 

But let us not lament. Theirs (the Angels) is a different make-up to yours. They were not sent into the World of Physicality. They were not to ever experience that realm, but were given the very purest life, to dwell in the Finer Dimensions and carry out the Service of the One Creator.

They may not touch their feet upon the Earth, though often they 'drop down' (vibrationally) to the levels at which they are most needed. Their ability to do so is inherent within their substance and therefore this is very natural to them.

They are Beings of True Balance, who understand that Divine Love is not based upon physical or romantic attraction (or desire for Self or another), but they are set into the very Truth of the matter.
Theirs is to Serve and Act as a channel for the Power of the Loving Eternal One.

It is not within their nature to pick or choose which human to tend to;

The Call goes up!....and there they are, all at once, to help and soothe.

Their Eternal Life Force is one of Selflessness, Service and Divine Love. As you might say 'They exist only to Serve.' They are concerned with the suffering of your planet and humanity as a whole and they exist in different strata's, or levels, to deal with this; some with a more general remit, others more finely focused.

There are Legion of those Beings.

Time and place have no meaning to them as they are attuned to any and all frequencies so that all signals may be registered. Their love of you all and every other living thing is entirely LIMITLESS.

It is that they are created from such fine, sensitive energy that precludes the need for any shape or form, they exist at a rate of vibration difficult to put across to you at this time. 

'Be they Angels?' You ask.

Yes, in the eyes of mankind, they appear to come 'on the wing' and arrive at the remotest of locations, at all hours of your time perception. 
Humankind can only deal in solid, practicable, physical metaphors. so, if I said that the 'Angels' of human making have Not wings, what difference would it make?

They are created Emissaries of The Great Force of All. Light and sound, culminated as bright colour or sometimes temperature, are theirs.

They are able to overcome all boundaries as they are not of 'Time', 'Space' or physicality. In order that they Serve those who need them the most, they are created in closer harmony to the stuff of The Divine One, though farther enough separated not to be one and the same.

This means that there is individuality amongst them and all are named and are singular entities, but also have the capacity to draw their energies together, in great number in order to perform certain duties.

They were not born of the fire of Love as humans would understand it- not through physical desire or lust or a need to re-create a form. But, by the will of God whom shaped them with Conscious Thought to become exactly as they are;  Emissaries and Servants of His Greatness.

We are ALL brethren as we all emanated in originality from the same, vast Source. Though some are very close to that place still, and others are not.
Let not any perceived division perturb any mortal human from being at one with their Bright Brethren though. We have all come to do our part and done it shall be.

The Beings of Light and Love are not fragile and ego-full (as humankind), but endure since ALL TIME;
They do not dissipate, nor disappear, nor can they be destroyed.
Their Power is mighty, but not ever to be feared.

They come only to carry out the works of the Great One and it is only ever performed through their brilliant and beneficent energy of Divine Love.

Let it be known also that far, far more exist in their millions of multitudes than those (Angels) named by some on the Earth who have had a mind to only personalise those Higher Ones (the Archangels familiar in your World). 

I cannot speak for them individually (as they hold different Offices) but; 

All Heal, All Protect and All Understand. 

Be broad-minded in your study of them, if you can! (although we entirely understand the human way of condensing and grouping certain aspects for want of ease of understanding.)

Let that be all for now, Sister.

My great love and wishes of health to you and everyone else, 

May we remain eternal friends!

Theosophus (25/09/19)'

I will include a summary of the points made here to make it easier to digest, so stay tuned!

Love and Blessings

Copyright IA Austin 2019©
(Picture Rights differ)


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