The piece of Automatic Writing that I wish to share with you today was given to me from a gentleman in Spirit who had lived on the Indian Subcontinent in his Physical Life. He came across to me as someone who had experience of writing literature himself and is a very well educated individual.  

The Teachings that I receive from the Spirit Realm are not meant to be kept to myself, but are supposed to be shared, so that as many people as wish to, may benefit.

I hope you find the Teaching he shares today, from the Spirit World, interesting and something that will give you pause for thought.

'To cultivate the very best life in your Physical Realm there are states that one may wish to pursue and achieve.

Unconditional Love for all can seem like a tall order for the multitudes; you are oft so divided by politics, race, Ordered Religion, perceived National Boundaries, that to overcome such mental barriers seems akin to climbing to the summit of Everest!

Modern Man is beset with problems not encountered as much in my day. yet, we had battles, wars and fought for independence from our British overseers. 
Your World now moves in a much more powerful direction, governed on a Global scale by media, corporation, and governments grown fat on taking advantage of their own people and others.
It is therefore of little use to ask you all to love one another as we would wish you to do so.  Although, that is our greatest wish for you all.

The depth to which humanity sinks has always been cause for concern and wrong doing and ill-thought seems to have a larger effect than you would appreciate at first.
If you will agree that 'All thoughts are things' then you will understand that your local and global atmosphere is full of inharmonious energetic thought forms, clashing, vying for precedence, one over another.

This energetic mass, seen to us as great clouds of living substance, often times hangs over major habitations on the Earth Sphere and can be awesome to behold.

To ask you to love each other as your own flesh and blood is too difficult a thing at this time. Although it is part of the Great Master Plan. 
So, instead, may I humbly suggest that you each seek inner contentment instead? 

What may start as a general feeling of being perfectly happy and 'at peace' with one's lot may generate enough energetic positivity to eventually have a cumulative, global effect on humanity.

All that you do (our Instrument) is still viewed by the majority as magic by most, fantasy by some and plain evil by others. Your work is more difficult today than in my day. Then, the Human Being was far more open to experiencing his Higher Self, more aware of his Spiritual links and inheritance. Today it is not so for you and so you find yourself trying to hold back the tide of negative popular opinion with one hand, whilst serving The Great One with the other.
It is difficult work my friend and do not seek thanks while in your Earthly abode, for there will be little or none.

Teach those you meet to find Peace Within, for it is in that capacity that you are able to set about change that may ultimately set in motion the Great Plan of Unification upon the Earth.

You may not teach happiness for all, as happiness is of an ephemeral nature, fleeting; 
to be happy is not a constant, it is an opposite, that comes after a low and will almost certainly be followed again, by such.

Whereas Peace, the Contentment of one's Soul and inner being changes the complexion of everything one encounters.

If a man says;
'I am content with my lot'
then the wasteful energy of constant striving is put to far better use.
We do not for one moment say that those who suffer the slums and sewers of life do not seek to climb out into the light of day, nor do we even hint to suggest that those in mortal danger do not seek to find shelter and safety amongst kind, understanding Souls.

What we do honour however, is the inner-peace that contentment of the Soul brings.
Allowing contemplation and joy in the smallest, most beautiful moments.

To say 'I am at Peace' is to toss out those pieces of one's mentality that no longer give service to your being.
The old ways, the ways that damage your Soul and bring inner pain and discomfort.

Also, with contentment comes less clamour for the material things and more space for the connection to the Spiritual reality of one's Soul.

The Material will always fade and die. You inhabit a place where decrepitude is guaranteed for ALL THINGS. Automobiles will rust, houses, left uninhabited, will be reclaimed by the Earth Mother and her creatures, cities may be left to ruin and even your own physical body will eventually no longer be able to maintain the vibration upon which your spiritual matrix finds it's form.
Yet mankind wants more and more of the material, that which degenerates and ceases to be. He concentrates his period of time on the Earth as a Collector of Dust.

Yes, I will repeat that;

Mankind have become Collectors and Hoarders of Dust- for that is what all physical things become, including himself.

If you find the peace within you would understand fully and by natural deduction, that you are, as individuals, Spirit Beings and Eternal. Your Spirit Self may not rot away, it does not age or deteriorate or return to a physical energetic soup, as the physical body does.

Find peace and contentment within. Teach All of their connection to The All, that they can reach within and touch that part of themselves which shall go on forever. 

Place the emphasis on the Jewel of The Spirit and gather together The Gems of The Soul; not those physical, corruptible things of matter.

Eternity is assured for all. Not in the way that Ordered Religions would have it, based on ones agreement to 'this' and 'that'.

It is the natural inheritance of ALL. 

So, teach of the familiarising oneself with the aspects of the Spirit and Spiritual Nature, NOW, in this life and begin by teaching inner-peace and contentment. Lessen the clamour of the material.

Stand steadfast in your Service to All Creation sister, and may you ever do all that you can.


Your friend.'

All Copyright IA Austin 2019©
(Picture rights differ)


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