Running an online weekly Spiritual Development Class is a continued blessing for me.
I'm lucky enough to work with a small group of individuals whose energies work in balance and harmony
(essential in running a good Circle),
they are all eager to learn and although I am there to guide them along this part of their pathway, I learn as much from them every week as they do from me.
Last nights Circle was no exception.
It is true that development of the Spirit is an infinite work, but as we all have infinity at our disposal, we have no excuses not to begin our journey.
A Development Circle can be a tricky thing to balance and the energies need to be just right in order for everything to work well.
Harmony between the sitters is absolutely paramount, as is pure intention. If you attend a Circle to simply 'dabble' or to develop your Psychic Senses to impress others, you will never see the true benefit of what Development may bring.
Any contact with Spirit as an act of education or Service is a Sacred act and should always be treated with the utmost respect and I'm very lucky in the fact that Source guided me and my Circle members together, they are always sensitive, kind and compassionate when dealing with any person making contact from the other side of life and in the delivery of their messages.
Before we meet virtually, I always make a point of reaching out to my own Guides and helpers. I talk to them about how I wish us to work that evening and also about the development of each individual in the group.
Sometimes we may discuss using different methods to push them a little further and stretch their knowledge or I will ask what kind of week the sitters have had and how are they doing generally. I also always make a point of asking my guides if there is anyone specific who wishes to work with us.
A few weeks ago a beautiful little elderly nun answered ;
'Yes please. I'm Sister Evangeline and I came from Rockford in County Tipperary, Ireland. May I work with you this evening?'
We are extremely lucky in that we seem to have a never ending supply of helpers, spectators and communicators, all happy to join us in learning more about the World of the Spirit, it's inhabitants and our own innate Spirit Natures.
Last night was no different in that I asked Spirit who wished to work with our group.
For once, the Spirit World seemed eerily quiet. Usually there is a lot of chatter amongst the Spirit People before our Circle begins, but it felt to me as if the room had been emptied or that everyone there was being on their best behaviour!
When the answer did come, it was puzzling.
Two words.
'San Salvador'.
I was never any good at learning languages, thank heavens for search engines!
The translation of 'San Salvador' is 'Holy Saviour'. Which obviously refers to Jesus.
Being a person of reasonably sound mind and I thought that perhaps we had a Spirit visitor from the a fore mentioned city in South America.
I simply shrugged it off and went back to preparing for Circle.
There was nothing about the start of our evening that seemed different to any other, we were two members down due to their earthly commitments and the rest of us were feeling a little tired and talked of the full moon that might have been to blame for our individual lack of lustre. I still felt as though the Spirit People had not yet entered the building, so to speak, but I never doubt them.
They are always there when the Work needs to be done, so I guessed it was my own tiredness that was effecting my ability to connect with them.
(In hindsight I now believe that the silence I encountered was because we were being attuned to an entirely different frequency, one that was far enough above the Astral Worlds of our Spirit Friends and Loved Ones that created this feeling of quiet calm.)
Often before the Circle begins I will have been given an outline of the type of meditation or journey that the guides wish us to take, but unusually, there was no such plan. I was going to have to wing it- as any platform trained Medium will know, it's a familiar feeling!
As I lead the Circle on a guided journey, I know that it is inspired, meaning it is not coming from my imagination, but from my guides and helpers.
They implicitly know what the Circle members need in any particular week, what healing there is to be done and where the best place is to take them.
I don't use the word 'Channelled' to describe this, as to me, that is a type of overshadowing, where Spirit are able to blend with a medium and their auric field and use their voice box to communicate directly with others. Inspiration is much gentler. It would pass as my own idea if I didn't know better.
We began on a journey that had some very specific elements to it, I was aware, as the facilitator should always be, that there was a specific 'Set Up' taking place before we were able to get where we were going.
I followed the process which began in a beautiful library, in a comfortable chair, then saw the Sitters in a stone passageway, before entering into a completely different sphere.
In my minds eye, the picture was clear and vibrant, a place that was at the same time both magical, other-wordly and yet familiar.
This was a place of very pure vibration.
The air shimmered with rainbow colours and seemed to be 'alive' with movement, similar to a heat haze.
The whole place was clean and bright and and just looking upon it refreshed all of the senses.
I began to understand that we had been brought to this place for a healing session, as our guides led us on a winding path, through the shade of trees and past colour washes of flower beds, the air filled with birdsong and a sense of peace.
At this point I remember speaking about how each flower was vibrating at a specific healing frequency, that if they listened closely the sitters would hear the low humming vibration emanating from each tree as it made the 'Aum' sound of Creation itself.
The guides led us to a clearing, in which I saw a medium sized, domed, clear structure, made entirely from crystal. I was told that, although crystalline in structure, this was not the solid clear quartz that we are familiar with on the earth.
This substance was finer, highly charged and alive.
If one looked closely at it, it moved and swirled in miniature rainbows, like drops of oil on water, yet it continued to maintain it's form and structure.
Once inside the crystal building, the sitters were instructed to lie down on a couch that was in the central space, as they did so, the room began to fill with beautiful pastel shades of light. My inspirers were very particular about this.
They must be PASTEL lights, in baby blue, soft pink, lemon yellow, and gentle green. I can only assume that the guides did not wish us to become over stimulated, that this was to be a gentle and restorative treatment and that any colour that was too vibrant or strong might overwhelm the system of each individual.
Perhaps working at a higher vibration such as this meant that the energy was stronger and purer and as such may have caused discomfort if it was not diluted in some manner?
As the sitters lay on their couches they were joined by a group of Beings who formed a circle around them and laid etheric hands on them too, in order, it seemed, to help direct the energy flow.
I was asked to mention the presence of the Beings to the group members, so that they would not be alarmed if they felt hands being placed upon their own head, feet or hands. I was semi-aware of Spirit Guides speaking through me at this point, explaining to the sitters what the lights were for, what healing they were giving and for what reason, but I can't recall now what was said.
I could not see the faces of these wonderful helpers. They appeared as bright white and golden light to me, humanoid in shape, with an unconditional loving manner and indescribable kindness to them.
The healing session lasted no more than three minutes. I was told 'it is finished' and that the circle members could begin their journey back to waking consciousness.
We carefully retraced our steps, following the pathway we had entered by and ending up back, in the comfortable chairs, in the cosy library.
It was such a special experience and all the better for having shared it with such a lovely group of people. The journey would have been perfect in and of itself, but it was about to get much more interesting.
We always take time to share our experiences after we have journeyed.
It's important that each sitter is given an opportunity to consolidate what they have seen, heard or felt and that they feel able to ask questions.
This is all part of their developmental pathway and greater attunement to the finer frequencies that the world of the spirit inhabits.
As we began to share our experiences, it became more evident that we had all shared a very special experience.
Much healing had indeed taken place, the majority of which seemed to be focused upon the Heart Centre.
This is of course the chakra that is connected to our ability to love ourselves and others and to show compassion. It can often become imbalanced due to grief and heartbreak. It is an especially important facet of our energetic bodies at this present time as we look to live more from this Divine 'I AM' centre, reconnecting with the Christ Consciousness within ourselves and beginning to live a life more in keeping with the principle of Agape.
As we learn to lessen the ego and lower desires of the material world, we come into this Sacred Space within ourselves and move further away from the physical needs of the 3D earth and into alignment with higher, 5th Dimensional vibrations.
It is a remembering, a coming back to who we have always been, our true state, our Higher Self.
This is what is meant by the popular term 'Ascension'.
Others still had felt an extremely deep state of peace, love and relaxation, the like of which they hadn't felt in a very long time. Then came a little bit of a surprise.
Not one, but two members of our small group had had something of a Divine experience.
Firstly, one group member, who readily admits that she has never followed or had any interest in belonging to any organised religion, reported seeing Jesus.
She was shocked and amazed, telling us that although it was only a brief sighting, she was absolutely floored by his appearance.
A second member spoke up
'your'e not going to believe this, but I saw him too!'
While both had been receiving their healing, they had individually witnessed the same thing.
Had the Heart Centre Healing been administered by Jesus?
Is that even possible?
First, of all, let me define the way in which I understand the figure of Jesus.
I more often that not, refer to him as the Nazarene.
To me, he was a very special individual who tried to live an exemplary spiritual life, so that others would understand that they were able to do the same.
He was a great spiritual teacher and medium and I feel, he had received teaching from several mystery schools including the Essenes during his short lifetime.
He was a man whose life path was to live and die, as an example of what we can all achieve if we are willing to place our spiritual nature, our connection to the Divine Source, at the heart of our lives.
I do not believe that he incarnated to be deified (it is an unfortunate human habit, that we worship those who come to teach lessons, not 'religion').
I do not believe that he was conceived 'miraculously', born in a stable, that his birthday is on the 25th December or any of the other multiple myths that have grown up around him.
His message was a pure one;
'whoever believes in me will do the works I have been doing, and they will do even greater things than these.'
'We are the same, from the same Source,
do not forget that you have the Divine Spark within you,
you are also capable of working miracles and living a spiritual life.'
For those who have an interest in the Ascended Masters,
Jesus is known as Master Jesus or Lord Sananda.
He is purported to have been the over-seer or Hierarchy of the Piscean Age which we are now transitioning out of.
After his death and ascent back into the Higher Spheres of the Spirit Realms, he has continued his works and still teaches, heals and guides those who need his care, love and wisdom.
He works alongside all the other great Spiritual teachers that the World has seen.
Anyone who is familiar with talk of The Shift will understand that as we now enter the Age of Aquarius, it is said that humanity will, by a series of revelations
(plagues, monarchies and governments toppling, corruption revealed at the highest levels, natural disasters etc) begin to re-order our lives, seeking a more compassionate connection between one another, finding better ways to live, conserving the planet and in doing so will come to the knowledge and understanding of our own Divine Sovereignty.
As outlined earlier, part of this process is focused upon healing ones Heart Centre, clearing out past trauma and hurts, and welcoming in the 'Christ Light'.
When we draw in 'Christ-ed Light', we begin to remember that part of us that is always connected to The Source of All Things.
To 'bring in the light' is a misnomer of sorts; more truthfully, it is an uncovering, a remembering, revealing.
Our connection to Source Light never went anywhere, we just got blinded by the physical and material, bought into the lies that were sold to us.
We forgot who we are.
Governments and big business told us to
'buy it ALL now because you only get this life and soon you'll be dead!'
and we believed them.
The Divine essence that resides in each and everyone of us is known as
'Christ-ed Light' an aspect of 'Christ Consciousness' or the specific Cosmic Ray upon which that connection to Source is carried.
When we talk of 'Christ' in any sense other than to deify Jesus, our western, Christian World, inherited sensibilities will almost certainly believe that this is somehow blasphemous.
'Christ' simply defined means 'Anointed One', which means he had a blessing placed upon him, therefore 'The Blessed One'.
It is just a name given latterly, to the man Jesus.
Christ Consciousness is 'Blessed Consciousness', a
the state of Conscious Awareness that was embodied through Jesus during his lifetime.
Edgar Cayce, the world famous psychic and seer who was known as the Sleeping Prophet (for the sonambulistic trance state in which he gave his readings) describes the Christ Consciousness beautifully;
Source-God desires to be expressed in the World through each of us.
The example of the life of Jesus is the life path 'map' or blueprint of wholeness made available for each one of us to follow.
When we become awakened to the truth of our Spirit nature,
our 'Christ Consciousness', is reactivated and we begin to act in a more 'Christ like' or 'Blessed' manner.
Thus, Christ/ed Light or the Light and Energy of Christ Consciousness is transformative.
It is the alchemy of the energy of Source within our being which transmutes the old, physical, 3 Dimensional focused individual, into the blessed, Spiritual Being that they have and will always be.
Lord Sananda (Ascended Jesus) still seeks to remind us of our own Divine birthright and continues to work with those who are on their own Spiritual path of awakening and unfoldment.
He comes to teach wisdom and spiritual integrity, but also steps forward to remove any imbalances that may be hindering our individual and collective progress.
Some would have it said that what our two sitters may have experienced was perhaps a 'Psychic thought form'.
This would usually be a picture of a person or object picked up on by a sensitive.
It is a psychic picture projected by someone else, usually without conscious thought.
Others still may argue that what the circle members saw was simply an archetype. Famously postulated by the psychoanalyst Carl Jung, archetypes are believed by some to be representative figures who embody certain collective aspects of our cultural and religious beliefs.
Each archetype is common in religion, folklore, fairy tales etc and is recognisable to the majority.
These archetypes are believed to be accessed via the Collective Unconscious or projected from there into an individuals visions, meditations or dreams.
For me, this argument doesn't take into account the evidence of the existence of the world of spirit or the continued existence of individuals.
I would perhaps be more ready to use one of these hypotheses if only one member had reported seeing the Nazarene during their journey, but for two members to have the same experience and for me to have been given the cryptic 'San Salvador' clue before our group began, I am happy to conclude that it is all that it appears to be.
Obviously there can be no irrefutable proof of such things,
and I am equally happy to accept that one of our celestial friends may have chosen to take the appearance of such a well known figure, in order to make the mediums comfortable and put them at ease.
Whatever the truth may be, I believe that what our members experienced was a part of the individual known as Jesus.
Higher Ascended Beings are filled with powerful, pure, refined energy.
They are multidimensional and able to divide themselves exponentially, or into separate fragments in order to carry out important spiritual work in many different locations at once.
What was experienced was undoubtedly a single piece of the entire Whole.
Like a beam of white light, concentrated onto a prism divides one ray into separate colours, so one single ray is a significant part of the entire Light.
I'll leave you with a quote from our wonderful friends in spirit.
I asked them why, if it was indeed the Nazarene whom the sitters had seen,
he had come to work with them.
Was it for a specific purpose?
'If the Light of God can find a pathway to you,
great miracles may happen.'
The Higher Beings of Light
Love and blessings to you all xx
(All Text Rights Reserved I A Austin 2020)
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