'As we watch over the changes taking place on the earth at this time, we observe several factions
being formed and this does offer us some concern, yet it is nothing that any of our Friends should worry
about. There is a time for everything and all will be smoothed away in the end.
There is nothing ever made by the Great One that will not be mended and balanced.
We, your Friends and companions of the people of the Earth, are wanting to extend our love and our hands out to you all at this great moment in your shared history.
We would ask all of our friends upon the earth at this time to carefully and slowly, methodically, decide upon which future that they would wish for themselves. In order to throw off the yoke of oppression, one must be organised and centred on what the ultimate vision is.
(Yes Sister, we speak of that which is known to you as ‘Law of Attraction’, we simply call it ‘Balance’ or ‘Prescience’). Names matter not, focus of energies do.
So in your deciding, be ever aware of your intentions in thought and be sure that the World in which you want to live is the one that you are focused upon.
We endeavor to help and assist humanity in the best ways that we know how; When we send energy frequencies to integrate with the Earth’s energies we do not send that which is harmful or that which would damage. Our only concern is for the very best outcome for all of you.
We understand that this process has been termed in many ways throughout human history, at this time we see and hear the word of ‘Ascension’ in your thoughts and actions.
Once again we say that this is simply the Balance of All things. Let us endeavor to illustrate how we see these events.
That Ascension (your word) is a very natural progress as humanity, that has always been attended to by those like us and those others who work in the Service of Humanity and the Earth Sphere.
We have waited many long hours for your collective progression into a higher state of thinking and being in order that you may all see the actual Light rather than simply the shadow cast by it. This has taken much effort on all our parts, those of you upon the face of the Earth at this time who work with one foot in the Higher Spheres have been actively paving the way for your earth brethren as we held out our hands to guide you thus.
We can only assist and not intervene and this has been key in the forward motion of you all; you have to be ACTIVE in your wish for better. This encompasses all of humankind, not just those of you who can spare the luxury of time to educate yourselves on the things of the Spirit, which is why so many of you have been called upon to spread your Holy Light at this time. Without the gathering of other Souls to your bosom there would not be a questioning of the Bigger Picture and so to Serve on the face of the Earth is, perhaps, the Greatest Service that may be known. It is at times of great upheaval that you will be called upon to shed and share more Light with those around you, to bring more love, to add more Peace. This is a job not to be underestimated and it cannot be taught lightly. Within every man on the Earth is the Light of the Great One and if his heart be opened even an inch to the sufferings of others, to the Mother Earth herself, to the creatures and the natural world, then that Light will cause the crack to widen. Suffering is often the way to open heartedness and compassion, as without a test there is no victory.
Once the Heart begins to shine a blast of this Great Light, it will illuminate all those in contact with it. There need not necessarily be any great act of worship or preaching to achieve this...it simply is.
We ask, humbly, that those among you who are our dear friends upon the earth, go amongst those places where there is the greatest darkness and bring in the Light. For Light consumes all that is dark and raises up all to it’s highest intentions.
It is a great task to ask of you, we understand, but as the World turns into its next degrees, it is all but set that what must be done to help others, must be done sooner rather than later.
Though there is no need for panic and we never wish to bring unease in our discourses with you, there is a delicate sense of balance and timing afoot at this moment.
Time as it exists in your sphere is created and maintained by you (Humanity) and even though we here are beyond such limitations, we may only work within the boundaries that have been set by those we seek to help. So when we speak of a timeliness, it is not because we are bound by the hands of the clock, but that you insist that you are.
There shall always be charity for those who serve in times of great struggle. Indeed, all Service, known or unknown, all acts of kindness towards another, be they animal or human, are noted and credited in the Great Book. It is the fair and just way by which the laws of the Universe operate.
You ask us,Sister, if there are others from outside of this Universe who are helping at this time?
Of course, we may remind you that there is no division in the creation of the Great One. All are brethren to one another, one cries out and others respond as has always been the way.
The simple fact is that although we speak in terms of ‘Universes’ and ‘the Cosmos’, it is only to speak in terms which Humanity can easily comprehend. That is not to degenerate any person's grasp of the Greater World, but simple facts and simple words are understood simply and easily.
When we speak in such terms we circumvent the fact that all is connected through the Great Source of ALL, that whether Human, Astrean, Inclaean, or Amphibian, every energetic molecule is connected with another. We exist in dimensions of thought and conscious energy and as such, intermingle with each other daily, it is only that the senses of physicality fail to register all else besides the physical.
As the human phrase says ‘you cannot see further than the nose on your own face’ in terms of what else surrounds you all. But rest assured that many, many others are helping at all times.
You ask ‘What of a New Earth’? It is our understanding that such a place of wondrous expanded consciousness and happiness, lightness of Spirit already exists. It is incumbent upon every individual to find that place for his and her own sake.We would wish to help in this matter, yes, it is our mission to help you all discover such things, yet, for many, the ‘nose on the face’ still prevents seeing what is already plainly there.
A New Place is not a ‘place’ or ‘destination’ as such, as you define it in terms of grid references or latitudes. No, it is an energy based conflagration of particles that move and vibrate at such beautiful harmony that one must simply have the eye to see it. You taste this New World (as you might say) many times in one day, yet the changes are so subtle many of you do not suspect.
If you would lift yourselves higher above pain, suffering, material, that would be enough.
But the human brain interferes with the Spirit capacity for this ‘Raising’ and so it is difficult to achieve, not impossible, merely difficult.
The changes being made that you ask about are being made by those on a higher level than we.
It is understood by ourselves that there is a function within your physical biology which at this time, it is pertinent to the small changes. It is purporting to mitochondria and strands of light….it seems as if when the frequencies are absorbed into this particular aspect of a cell, it affects an expansion on the DNA strands. To us it would appear as if the existing strands light up and uncoil, revealing more patterns that have lain within, unnoticed. It is a very beautiful process to watch unfold...like the opening of an exquisite flower...entirely composed of light and frequency waves sent by those amongst us who are over seeing such things….they unfurl like twisted stems relaxing and unwrapping themselves and shining their beauteous glow onto those existing parts of the ribbons. It is almost a dance as we watch on, a choreographed dance of light and love and tender procedure, applied so gently and with the lightest of touches, as a feather would touch a cheek in passing a child….there is no great disturbance within any substance...but a sighing of the elements as all unfolds as it is meant to do.
What do these changes mean within the self? It is the remembering and igniting of those parts of the Light ‘You’ that have not yet been able to exist upon the earth, held into suppression by fear and stress and worry and hate and disgust and guilt and unkindness….now is the Changing Time, when all else is cleared away and the Light shines into those parts that have waited to be illumined for a very long time.
The Light of You is increasing and we can witness this now as we commune with you, in all of you that have opened the door to the Truth, the Light of a Spiritual Source is beginning to shine upon what was once a purely physical being in this World so that the Spiritual Vessel becomes the greater of the two. So that the meanings and the purpose of the World will be opened to you and also the mysteries of the Beyond.
This is a great moment indeed! We rejoice at what we are shown!
We understand that there is issue within your current physical body at this time and if you wish it, we should like to operate our love and healing into this area at this time? (my shoulder and elbow injury?). Yes, we feel that it causes you great discomfort and we are aware that we are symbiotic in our communication and relationship with you, relying very much upon your ability to use your arm to transcribe our words that others may read them.
Please take a moment to rest, that we may exact help onto the problem of the twisted joint…
(I relaxed my arm while I was shown a blue laser light being shone onto tendons and reducing the inflammation in my shoulder and elbow.)
All is complete.
We ask that you take rest from transcription for now our Sister and thank you for your love and kindness in communing with us all today.
Love and Peace to all in your world, from all in this world.
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