
Showing posts from July, 2019

The Spirit People Speak!

Today we bring you a channelled Question and Answer Session between myself and The Higher Beings of Light (those knowledgeable and wise beings who work with me from the Other Side of Life.) All communication is performed through 'Mind to Mind' contact and transferred through my energy and into words by means of Automatic Writing. (HB = Higher Beings M = Medium) We hope that you enjoy. HB : 'What do you seek to know?' M: I only wish that there was an easy way to have people understand that this Physical Life is not EVERYTHING- that we continue on and on. HB: Your earthly orthodoxies would say that this is a matter of faith, but we would disagree strongly. We would argue in favour of evidence and knowledge every time. There is no faith in comparison to knowing fully. But this is the dichotomy which you have been born into. Seeking the truth and finding one's Path has forever been the purpose of this Physical Life: for out of the Pathwa...


It's a bit of a myth that you need to be some kind of Zen Monk to be able to meditate. Meditation is not only something that we can ALL do, it is beneficial to everyone in a multitude of ways; think of a calmer, more focused, more relaxed You who no longer sweats the details but enjoys every moment as a gift to be cherished. Sounds too good to be true? Why not try these Top Tips to help you kick start a better, more chilled out life? The only thing you've got to loose are those knotted muscles, tension headaches, stomach and digestive issues, anxiety and sleepless nights.... TOP TIPS If you THINK you don't have enough time to sit still in peace and quiet, you're wrong. Those who continue to believe that 'Busy' equals 'Fulfilled' are working and living under a false premise.   Carve out 10 Minutes a day (starting TODAY ) and sit somewhere comfortable where you will be undisturbed.  TURN ...

Where is God?

In this World, the one in which those who are reading this currently exist, Materialism is King of All. Over millenia, human evolution in terms of our outlook and needs pertaining to our survival, has become based more and more in that which our five physical senses are able to perceive. The existence of all else, that which lies beneath, around and interpenetrating our individual reality, has been discounted as the ancient beliefs of naive and primitive Humans and more latterly, unbalanced kooks, self professed Mystics and the vaguely unhinged. Discounted by Modern Man as having no basis in the Scientific or Material, or that which may be 'proved' by sight, sound, touch, smell or taste. Our senses have become narrow and stunted. The majority of Humanity will only believe the physically perceptable and tangible that is right there, in front of them. What were once the very natural abilities of seership and communication with that unseen, omniprese...

Speaking To The Dead

This work really isn't always as spooky as some people would have you believe. (Please excuse the picture, but I like a bit of theatre sometimes....) My Grandad just turned up at my house.  I was in the back garden, lying back on my lounger, eyes closed, enjoying a beautiful warm Summer's evening. He sat in the green garden chair opposite me and smiled. I hadn't seen him dressed in his grey suit and dark red waistcoat since my Sister's Wedding day, some 22 years ago last week. But he didn't look a day older than then.  In fact, considering he passed nearly 15 years ago, he looked remarkably well. I have been followed around my house all day by a male Spirit. It's something you get used to as a Medium, I have the occasional Spirit guest and by and large they are usually family members. The only time this rule of thumb changes is just before I give a Private Sitting (in which case the Spirit loved ones of the s...