Be Grateful For the Little Things.

What is it that brings the most joy into your life? Is there something you enjoy doing, purely for Pleasure? Does time just seem to evaporate when you're doing it? To be engaged in the act of doing something to it's fullest extent, is to know true contentment. Neuroscientists have recently discovered that practicing gratitude or the offering of intentional thanks for even the most insignificant aspect of your life can have a positive effect on your brain chemistry. I wouldn't suggest for a minute that everyone's lives are great, all the time; we all encounter hardship, struggles and grief. What matters is that here you are, this amazing Eternal Spirit Being, living this physical existence, in this moment, doing your very best, day in day out, battling away and surviving through it all. There's no need to sit in meditation for hours to exercise Gratitude for your life; Try thinking of any 3 things you are grateful f...