
Showing posts from June, 2019

Be Grateful For the Little Things.

What is it that brings the most joy into your life? Is there something you enjoy doing, purely for Pleasure? Does time just seem to evaporate when you're doing it? To be engaged in the act of doing something to it's fullest extent, is to know true contentment. Neuroscientists have recently discovered that practicing gratitude or the offering of intentional thanks for even the most insignificant aspect of your life can have a positive effect on your brain chemistry. I wouldn't suggest for a minute that everyone's lives are great, all the time; we all encounter hardship, struggles and grief.  What matters is that here you are, this amazing Eternal Spirit Being, living this physical existence, in this moment, doing your very best, day in day out, battling away and surviving through it all. There's no need to sit in meditation for hours to exercise Gratitude for your life; Try thinking of any 3 things you are grateful f...

Divine Judgement: What's Your Verdict?

Today's Teachings from the Higher Beings of Light are  a slightly longer piece on 'Judgement'.  Is there Judgement in the After Life? (Q&A with the Spirit People at the end.) (NB: HB = Higher Beings of Light   M = Inula Spiritual Medium) When Human Kind thinks of an Afterlife, they often times conjure an image of an all powerful old man who is seated atop a cloud, deals out justice and retribution for any 'Sinful' or 'Wrongful' actions. We understand that the dogma of religions, of an 'Organised' nature and the human imagination is at work here - once the very human attributes of guilt, shame and worry are added, there in lies a wholly inaccurate picture of what is to come.   'For it has never been said, but by the lips of man, that the Great Father/Mother is such! It is falsehood!' We understand the life in the Physical Matter; of its mountains and valleys, journeys into the sh...

Awakening - The Journey to Enlightened Conciousness

If you are a Soul who has been touched by a crisis, a loss, illness or despair and you find yourself seeking answers to life, the universe and everything else, then you may be undergoing a Spiritual Awakening. There are many definitions of what this means and the internet has many lists of 'Awakening Symptoms', 'Ascension Symptoms' and the like. The journey though, is a personal one and one that is very unique to each individual. Of course, we may draw parallels between some of the experiences people appear to share along their own paths, but at the core of your own Spiritual Unfoldment, is You. Some people would have you believe that all is rosy in the garden of enlightened awareness, but this is not the whole truth. From my own experience of walking a more Spiritually Awakened Pathway (a journey, that I must emphasise, will never be finished, for it is eternal, like ourselves), life without the blinkers of illusion is mostly incredible; But i...

Your Life is Your Prayer

There is no better way to Honour the Sacred in yourself, other beings and the Great Spirit, than to make your Life your Prayer. The usefulness of prayer and the efficacy of different types of prayer are often topics for discussion in groups of spiritually like minded people. Despite our own personal beliefs about the existence of an O mnipotent, Loving, Creative Consciousness, many, if not all of us, will at one time or another, reach out to the Unknowable seeking comfort, help, advice and relief. 'Your prayers are like incense smoke rising up into our atmosphere. The scent and colour of which is always registered by us.' The Higher Beings of Light Our thoughts are always able to be read be those in Spirit who are charged with our care; our loved ones on the other side and those drawn to us via a bond of affection or likeness. The reality is not what some may perceive; that those in the World of the Spirit are constantly followi...
There is a lot of misinformation out there on all sorts of things concerning Spirituality and the Esoteric Subjects.  The main source of blame must surely be handed to Hollywood for their wonderfully frightening and spooky portrayal of all things that go 'Bump in the Night', though as human beings who have sat around camp fires telling scary stories to one another since the beginning of our time here, myths are always perpetuated by word of mouth and handed down from generation to generation. Unfortunately, this has left some people not only scared of the very natural existence of the Spirit World and it's inhabitants, but also kept in the dark over its treasure trove of gifts and wisdom. So, here I am, one Worker in the Service of the Great Spirit and the Spirit People, trying to straighten this all out! Today's TOP TIPS are on how you can identify whether you have had an encounter with a Spirit Person or a Ghost , as the two are very different...

When Questions Form, Answers Are Given.

A slightly more informal, yet still extremely informative communication from the Higher Beings of Light today, where I was able to have some of my questions answered. I hope you all enjoy it! (* Medium Inula Austin * HB Higher Beings of Light.  Please note: I am almost sure that the questions that I asked today were either entirely preempted by the communicators, if not, inserted by them themselves in order to emphasise the points that they wished to make.) 'Today as we come forth to commune with you our trusted ally, we are aware of many questions held in your mind that you wish to discuss with us. So let us enjoy a more 'open' session today and we shall try to help you in whatever ways we can. For we may not have all the answers, but simply those available to us at this time, through our experiences and it is our greatest wish that we may be of some small assistance to those who are willing to engage with us. Medium : How many of You speak to m...