I closed my eyes to the cold, diluted yellow of the winter sunlight and took a few slow, deep breaths. 

I heard my Higher Self say:

'One should never reach for the message, the message will always find you'.

I listened to the pneumatic drill somewhere in the distance and a truck reversing with it's steady beep...beep...beep... My inner vision was flooded at first with an emerald green light and then a brilliant gold....as the low rustle of the branches on the ash tree slipped away into the distance, first a strange shape, foreign to me, began to come into my view. Once I had managed to focus upon it it was quickly replaced, a flicker, then a 3 dimensional shape I did recognise, a spinning Merkabah.

I have been seeing a lot of geometric shapes in my meditations recently, Sacred Geometry is an inextricable partner of Spirituality and the basis upon which the Cosmos was built. 

In recent modern times, Teachers of Spirituality who discuss 'Ascension' are all too aware of the prevalence of these shapes, being seen been those who meditate, in people's dreams and for some, shapes seem to appear transported to them via a long shaft of light as they rest awake. 

It is believed by many Spiritual Seekers that the geometry is sent to unlock part of us, hitherto hidden, activating 'Light Codes' within our DNA and raising our vibration so that the human race will eventually ascend to live within a 5th Dimensional Vibration. 

In recent weeks I have begun to have contact during my meditations, from those who are known as 'Ascended Masters.' It is still a mystery to me why I have had communications from these Spiritually Ascended and highly developed beings. I really do not have a clue as to why a Higher Being of Light would choose to give their messages to a 40 something mother of three in the UK. I am Clairvoyant and predominantly Clairaudient , but I feel that there are far better qualified people out there to Serve on behalf of these Masters. I know that there are many Seekers who very much wish to work with the Ascended Masters, who dedicate a great deal of their time to invoking them, meditating on them, taking classes to learn more about them. 

To these individuals the Masters are somewhat of a Specialist Subject. 

It isn't so for me. 

I battle over whether or not these beings may be collective thought forms, 'willed' into creation or whether they truly are mutlidimensional beings, focused on their mission of Service, working on behalf of God and All Existence. Theosophy puts these Spiritual characters front and centre, after the works of people such as Helena Blatvatsky and Alice Bailey and latterly the channels Elizabeth and Mark Prophet. 

I have no wish to denigrate anyone's work, especially when it brings a sense of peace and upliftment to so many, but I've always had a very simple spiritual outlook- everything is attributable to Source-God and that is that. I suppose I disliked the current climate of 'Guide Worship', where some individuals have become so caught up in who the message is coming from that the essence of the actual message becomes secondary. 

It's easy to loose sight of the fact that none of this is even capable without the power of the Great Spirit and I didn't want to become someone who circumvented the natural order of things, who would rather ask an Ascended Master for help, than ask God.

I hope that makes sense.

I am ready to admit that this is an over simplification of the way things work in the Universe, but I was happy with 'simple'.

When I first began to expand my knowledge into the work of Angelic and Celestial Beings, Archangels, Nature Spirits and Devas, I admit that I felt as if I'd strayed into some kind of  anime cartoon dimension. But having worked with these beings for a while, I have grown to trust and love them, enjoying our communications and honouring the messages that they share. I always remain wary and question the communicator as I was taught, though their communications are always powerful and loving, I do not want to think of myself as jumping onto some kind of popular Spiritual Bandwagon, so I keep their communiques largely to myself. 

Then came my first Off World Being experience (you may call them ETs). I began to feel like a fully paid up member of the Tin Foil Hat Society. During one meditation an extremely tall, slender, genderless, blue-grey being entered the room that I was sat in. The creature had huge black, wet eyes that communicated so much love and understanding that I felt immediately nurtured and calm. All communication seemed to come through the eyes of the Being, and it's mouth did not move. A message of great love for humanity and hope for all humankind and the Earth was pledged. 

This beautiful entity had picked a moment to communicate with me when I was relaxed and receptive and had obviously waited for a time to connect when I would not be frightened. After a few more of these encounters during meditation and my sleep state, I could no longer remain oblivious to a whole Universe of life that exists beyond what we all consider to be our reality.

I have had instances of communicating with Nature Spirits too. They seem to delight in taking on form that humans will find pleasing and acceptable. One such tiny Being appeared in a humanoid form to me, with a body, face and hair made entirely of nettle leaves. She spoke to me, again, through telepathy and I listened to her message, mesmerised. She taught me the great power of flowering plants, how their energy resonates with a specific frequency to help raise the vibration of our world and ourselves, which also benefits the plant.

Right about now, you may feel that I might just have lost my marbles, I can assure you that I have not. I believe that, as a Medium, once I had opened myself up to the Next World, I had simply unlocked doors to a lot of other worlds too. Let's face it, communication between the living and so-called 'dead' is itself inter-dimensional, it only takes a small leap of faith to understand that one may also be able to communicate with many, many more dimensions too.

We are ourselves, multidimensional beings.

There I sat in my garden in the chilly grey light and watched the Merkabah spin in the centre of my vision. I knew through some cursory reading that this geometric shape is known as the 'Chariot of Metatron' (Metatron being a Super Archangel who is believed to be over-seeing the Earth's Ascension to a more refined vibration). 

When the voice spoke it reminded me of the voice of the 'Mysterons'. 

'I am The Metatron' it spoke. 'Do not be afraid child, I come to speak to you.' 

(I suppose I sometimes struggle to accept these communications for what they are, because they really do sound so biblical.)

'I come to say that the Earth World problems may yet worsen before all is well. You will be needed to go to those who need comfort and hope, to bring light into the darkness. You are a link in the chain of Light that surrounds the Earth at this time and there is much work to be done.'

Ever the doubter I asked 'How may I know that you are who you say you are and not a trickster from the astral realm?'

'You are well protected from any lower vibration Being. This communication is such that it can only reach you using a particular wave. Others cannot penetrate such a wave. Continue the work. It shall be so.'

(Addendum; Whilst hearing the voice of Metatron, I was shown outer space, black and starry. Laying flat was a 6 pointed star, as I watched, each point opened in turn, revealing a vast pool of energy, swirling inside. In the centre was red, which as it moved out from the middle became orange, then yellow, green and blue and out to a bright violet shade. I was told that this was a great portal bringing energy into this, our Universe from another (I don't know where). It appeared to also be the channel or portal through which my visitor 'arrived' within my awareness.)

That was it. I'm no Moses, Mary, or even a shepherd sat on a dark hillside, but I imagine if I had heard that voice and seen that Light 2000 odd years ago, I would have been very afraid. Now, I'm not equating what I heard to the voice of God either. But it gives some level of an idea as to the awesome power that this Being holds.

I take every communication on it's own merit. If someone claiming to be an Angel connected with me and started talking about death, destruction, telling me to do things that were low or illegal, then obviously, that would be a huge red flag (for my communicators identity and my own mental health) but while Higher Beings come to communicate messages of enlightenment, guidance, hope, help and understanding, I am willing to listen and to take them seriously.

For those of you who have little or no understanding of Ascended Masters or who or what Metatron is, here is some information:

Merkabah: (Jewish Mysticism)

 The Merkabah is the divine light vehicle allegedly used by Ascended Masters to connect with and reach those in tune with the higher realms. 'Mer' means Light. 'Ka' means Spirit. 'Ba' means Body. Mer-Ka-Ba means the spirit/body surrounded by counter-rotating fields of light, (wheels within wheels), spirals of energy as in DNA, which transports spirit/body from one dimension to another. 

                                                      Picture Credit: Chakra Doodles

Metatron is not a figure of the Hebrew Bible, but his name appears briefly in several passages of the Talmud. His legends are predominantly found in mystical Kabbalistic texts. He is variously identified as the Prince (or Angel) of the Presence, as Michael the archangel, or as Enoch after his bodily ascent into heaven.

Metatron was involved directly in the use of Sacred Geometry in the creation of the Cosmos. Archangel Metatron is an incredibly advanced, and high vibration being. As such, his highest communication happens in the form of “packed thought forms” or divine downloads of spiritual power which are multi-dimensional. 

Ascended Masters:

Are a group of Higher Beings who's mission is to work in unity with the people of earth to bring about Spiritualisation. These Beings have incarnated many times, particularly onto the earth as Spiritual people, working for peace and endeavouring to bring about the harmony of all (Jesus, Buddha, Mother Mary, Hilarion, Serapis Bey, St Germain & many more)

An Ascended Master has Ascended to Higher Dimensions through becoming One with his/her 'I Am' presence and out working any Karma that they had accumulated. (The 'I AM' Presence is the Divine Element of oneself, the God-Spark.

The Ascended Masters work in M/F pairs in order to Serve God and humanity and are each assigned to one of the 7 Cosmic Rays (each of which has it's own individual colour, frequency and tone). Each pairing and Ray has Heirarchy over a particular facet of earthly life. 

The heirarchy changes every 2000 years. We are coming out of the Age of Pisces, ruled over by the heirarchy of Christ and are moving into the Age of Aquarius, watched over and assisted by St Germain & Lady Portia (who are guiding the ascension of humanity and the earth.)

I have also recently received communication from St Germain and El Morya as well as Ashtar (Galactic Council Leader), which I will write about at another time. 

The message is similar in all cases; Unity amongst all is absolutely vital in the coming months and years and we must try our very best not to be divided by fear or disagreement. We are not alone in our struggles, however isolated we may sometimes feel. The love that the entire Universe has for us is infinite and every being stands by to guide and assist us at all times. 

Love & blessings xxx

(All Rights reserved I A Austin 2020)


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