As I was making dinner last night, I got talking to an old Japanese gentleman in Spirit....
I realise, as I write this that that may sound rather 'kooky', but as a Medium you get used to it after a while. It's not often that my Guides let just anybody into my awareness from the Other Side of Life, so I was immediately intrigued as to why this Spirit gentleman had been given a pass.
I'm so glad I did listen to him (and another Spirit man, who makes a brief interjection), I did my best to write down what I was being told.
It may be interesting for readers to note that whilst I am receiving information in this way, I am taken on a journey, through the eyes of the communicator. I see their memories of their life, the streets that they walked, the faces that were familiar to them, the sights, sounds and smells. I feel their emotions and even subtle changes in their mood as we communicate.
Those who inhabit the World of The Spirit are very much ALIVE, with all of their senses and memories very much intact.
My Japanese friend instructed me to 'Record! Record!' so, with the caveat that I would put dinner into the oven first, (I've never liked being bossed about!) I sat down with pen in hand and what follows is the Teaching he brought through.
'Okinawa. Yes, when Okinawa was destroyed, it was burnt to the ground by the American Troops, the 'Allies', and I was a small boy.
It looks nothing how it used to; I go back sometimes to see it and go to 'Sams' to drink a lemon drink (*1) but where it was has gone.
That was not their (the Americans) jurisdiction to do that- to end so much life. That was a dark time and afterwards we were like immigrants in our own country- like refugees, without a home. But we were lucky I guess you would say. We were together and not dead and that was better than a lot of others.
When the war broke out we (family and Japanese people) believed that what we were told everyday was the correct thing. It is as an old man , I have had many years- long days, to think about the depth of 'truth' as we were told it.
Governments have a way of fashioning the 'truth' by lashing together many parts, mostly untruths.
I see and understand this.
Empires arise upon the face of the Earth on ALL continents; they do not need to have an 'Emperor' at their head. Still today, on your Earth there are those who would wish to be Emperors (*2).
Smaller nations are no different to the ones they call 'Super Powers'. They can be just as corrupt, perhaps more so, than the big countries.
I came to record my rememberances of these times as I look upon the World at this time and there are patterns that are again appearing, rising to the surface.
It is not to be as the prophet or seer who warns of bad things to come; it is not a mere man's place to issue warnings of these kind, besides which, would humans on the Earth listen?
I just observe and rememberances of my life upon that Earth Place come to me.
I feel that it would be worth recording my experience, even if it is just of one, small man.
There was much fire in Okinawa when it was razed. The fire I see in my memory, it is not faded yet.
I want to teach the importance of peace, this is why they brought me forwards to you (*3).
I do not keep my name (*4), my Earth name. Much has changed for me.
This may be strange to read of, but much changes in the interim after so-named 'death'...I like 'Passage' better as it recognises a journey, which is how the existence is.
It takes much concentrated effort to change the modern structures of Earth. I speak not of the buildings but the traditional ways of governance and social class, of that sort of thing.
Let me be allowed to explain further.
A photograph of a young child taken during the Battle of Okinawa 1945
As a child I sat in fear and wonder and awe at the might of our enemy; believing that death should come , yet not knowing what 'death' was. I clung to my Mother (*5) and trembled and was afraid- as a Shinto (*6) family, we were taught and believed in many Gods and Spirits, but I did not have the full picture or indeed ANY picture of the World After.
Religion can be cruel to a small child who simply wishes for the life he knows; his Mother, his friends, the lemon drink stand. Religion does not say 'Child you have nothing to fear', it says 'You will disappear to nothing and cease' or 'You were bad and you will pay'. It is cruel to a child and also to an adult alike.
A lot of people were gone. My Aunt's Family (household) destroyed. We fled. Refugees. Devastation. I can remember clearly.
A US Soldier sharing his rations with two Okinawan children.
There is no justness in war. Life lost is a great tragedy, which means that we are all losers in conflict. There can be none who 'win'. We would applaud the voices on the Radiogram (*7) that spoke of military might, victorious and strong; but too many lives lost is not a 'motif' of strength, it is cowardice, ego and low-intelligence that causes one to kill another. A great tragedy it all was.
I would wish to work for a peaceful World.
Peace is something overlooked by many,
yet without it,
what stands?
There is no easy solution to a peaceful way of life globally, however, war is definitely no solution.
(*8 Interjection by different Spirit Male Communicator)
'The World is still governed by those who's primary concern is themselves. There are very few who sit in the halls of so-called 'Power' who are there for something more- a legacy of Peace and better lives for All.
We all do what we may to assist and one mans help may seem unlikely to change much, yet together we try and this, I suppose, is what I wish to say in the strongest terms possible:
A child should not, MUST not witness the devastation of his home to become an adult striving for peace.
More often it builds a fire in the belly of the grown man that he was witness to destruction as a child. His childhood fear becomes hatred and retribution.
Let Peace be ALL a child knows, that the adult he becomes knows of goodness and love and living alongside others without the threat of conflict.
It must be what the intelligent persons of the World preach.
Peace for the sake of Peace.
Peace for the Child.
Peace for everyone.
Because conflict weighs heavy for generations. To heal from the devastation of war may never come before passing on to This Life (the Hereafter).
The Earth is left a damning echo that continues on, long after soldiers are old men, infirm and witless.
Let each of us work for Peace, that is the Gift of God and the Greatest accomplishment that Mankind could ever achieve.
A World of absolute, total Peace.
Let love echo down the centuries.
Fight no more.
Be good and kind to each other
Let the little ones grow up in Peace,
Without fear.
After reading through the communication I had a real sense of there being two main communicators: the Okinawan Man, who had first hand experience as a child during an horrific conflict and a more learned gentleman, who had a very definite philanthropic and 'wordy' energy. I understand that such 'Transmissions' as these take the energy and organisation of many, many Spirits, however, I felt these two gentlemen as distinctly separate.
I wondered afterwards whether the Japanese Gentleman had suffered such trauma as a child, that he had carried some of his fear and anger with him onto the Spirit side of life and perhaps this had been a purposefully cathartic exercise for him?
As we transition into the World of the Spirit very much the same person we were upon leaving the Earth, it could be possible that the Okinawan gentleman was coming to terms with his past and moving forward through teaching the importance of Peace.
I went away and researched some parts of the communication I was given. dates, names and other pieces of information are often given to me as evidence as I am writing down the words being spoken to me. I always note these in the margins. Below is what I was able to discover.
* I was given the dates of January 1942 and June 1945; these are very evidential.
January 1942 was the first time that Japan attacked another nation during WWII. An attack on the Philippines, which first caught the attention of the allied nations.
June 1945 was the date of the Battle of Okinawa. One of the most destructive episodes in the Pacific Theatre of War, it is now believed that over 80% of the island was razed. Many thousands lost their lives, those left were placed into refugee camps on the island.
*1 The 'Lemon drink' appeared to me to be a homemade, cloudy, flat lemonade. Upon researching this I discovered that Okinawa is famed for its Citrus Deppressa, a lemon/lime typed fruit which grows in the sub-tropical climate of the island and is used to make a popular drink aka 'Shikuwassa'.
*2 I was shown the USA and Russia.
*3 I had mentally asked my communicator for his name.
*4 I was later given the name of 'Ryushen' which i discovered is a forename and surname in Japan.
*5 During this part of the communication I was seeing war experienced through the eyes of a toddler (I felt that the communicator was roughly 3 years old when the battle took place.) There was a lot of fire, all around and burning buildings. I was not aware at any time of his father being present, though I was told that before the War his father had been a fisherman.
*6 Shinto is a school of Japanese Buddhism which is 'Animistic' and has many Gods and Spirits that are worshipped.
*7 A 'Radiogram' was a popular make of wireless radio during the 1940's.
*8 As the communicator changed, I became aware of a well spoken, English accent. This communicator felt well educated, he was an excellent orator and I sensed he had some knowledge and first hand experience of Government during his earthly life. What fascinated me even more that was while he was communicating, I kept being shown a copy of the novel 'Tom Jones'. I had heard of the book, but have never read it. When I looked up its contents and themes I discovered that the hypocricy of the upper classes is one of its central themes, which tied in nicely with the communicators observations on those who sit in positions of power.
I proceeded to research the author, Henry Fielding and discovered that he had indeed been friendly with many members of parliament during his earthly life in the 1800's, he had become a judge and spent most of his career lobbying on behalf of the poor and working pro-bono for those with little or no money. Could this mean that Henry Fielding was the second communicator?
All Copyright Reserved I A Austin 2020
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