What follows is a channelled message that I received on Friday 17th of April 2020.

I was aware of being in communication with a Group of Higher Beings who often come forward to bring me knowledge and Teachings. Although I know that the core members of this Group remain the same, occasionally other Teachers will be brought in if they have knowledge or an interest in a particular topic we may be discussing.

Working with these wonderful Beings always feels like making a family phone call, having the opportunity to speak to loved ones who live on a different continent. 
Their work with me is always infused with ha great sense of love and parental-like compassion.  

I hope you enjoy their words too.

'We are always here and await your asking for information and knowledge.

What would we discuss today?

We feel that the discussion should be upon the topic of Ancient Wisdom and how it pertains to life on the Earth as you know it, in these Modern Times.
Would that satisfy your curiosity? (M: Yes.)

Then we shall bring forth knowledge of the ancient World of the Atlanteans and the ways in which they conquered their surroundings and their sad demise.

Although many thousands of the Earths years have passed since their destruction, they were remembered by your ancient cultures, were they not? Yet, at the same time, believed by many not to have existed at all.
You see, modern scientists are bound by the physical evidence that they have in front of them at a particular moment. Their job is to prove or disprove, without doubt, a hypothesis based on evidence or lack thereof.

So then, it is left up to those of intuition and faith to speak the Truth of those things which once existed.
We cast our minds back...although I now tell you that we need not, as all knowledge exists in all time periods, NOW, living as it always has and always will - there is no need to refer to 'historical records' as such, as it is LIVING, BREATHING in the atmosphere all around. One simply takes a moment to 'pluck' from the ether that which one wishes to understand better, and - there it is! Simply waiting to be known again!

The 'plucking' of the information does not render it unavailable to another. It is not a singular 'piece' or physical, in the sense that it is like a book that one may borrow from a library, which means that another may not hold that book until you have returned it. This is active, live, ALIVE! Moving 'strands' of information and knowledge (though 'Strands' feel like an inferior way to express that which it is.)

All knowledge, all wisdom and events are contained within every 'NOW' moment in the living, pulsating ether that is always present and part of the ALL.

Therefore, we may ask to 'pluck' any piece of anything (data?) that we wish to know or understand better.
There are those who simply do not understand that this is the case and many types of ritual are used upon the Earth Dimension to access these 'records' as they are also known.
Yet this is a misrepresentation as it is alive in the surrounding atmosphere for any who wishes to access it.

You ask 'is it just those with developed intuition and insight who may seek and find the information?' 
(My communicators often report that they 'see' my thoughts and answer my questions before I've had a chance to formulate any!)

We answer that it is easier for such Souls as they do not need to suspend their disbelief in order to access the Great Wisdom that is there - but we do say that there is NONE who has the 'Key', not just one individual or type of individual. All knowledge exists for All Beings and they may be given free passage to acquire it whenever they wish.

The Atlanteans were a great civilisation and a wonderful people who lived gently and with reverence for their Earth Mother.
Much like the native tribes of your differing Earth Continents. In some ways they were simple and had a great harmony with the lands and the waters and were a balanced, harmonious and very noble people.

It is often thought that such a world is 'ideal' and in our ways of belief and higher oversight, this may have been true indeed. For where perfect balance and harmony exists between all things, there The Almighty exists also. Thus that is ideal, is it not?

At first they were few (we talk in hundreds) but over time became a great number. They had basic tools that they created in order to use the land to gather food, to fish, to catch animals, to cook and to build.
They were all very happy. They had a knowledge that your people for the most part, do not have now - they could hear, listen and speak to their surroundings and were very intimately connected in their relationship to their Earth Mother.
Their intuition was natural and of the highest degree where they had not lost their ability to communicate mind to mind (telepathically). They did so between each other, nature, the ocean, the sky and all of the animals.

There was an interlinking and an understanding between All things and thus, the importance of balance and harmony was known implicitly.

There were times of great difficulty. The Great Mother was also growing and changing which often caused the land masses to shift and great natural events to occur.
This was difficult for the people as they loved their Mother very much and could not understand well, why she would, at times, show them great anger.
Those times caused a great disturbance amongst those peaceful children, who felt scolded by their Mother and did not know the reasons why. 

At these moments they sought to appease her and offer her goods and gifts (sacrifices?). These became periods of superstition and terrible unrest for those placid people, which was very sad to witness. There was talk of intervention by Higher Forces from some quarters, yet they had to make their own way and we watched, as parents of infants as our children floundered and fell and cried out for help.

But these times settled and we were pleased with the progress, slowly into adolescents, growing in confidence and guile. We watched over them with a great love and care and wished them only success and happiness. 

This happy time lasted and we were pleased that again, they had found balance.

You ask of Crystals and Other Beings? We see these things in your thoughts.
(M:YES. I'd heard of crystals being used in ancient cultures and of other beings reportedly visiting them)  

It is not entirely appropriate at this time to reveal the extent of the assistance that was given to this Civilisation, by off world 'Helpers'. Needless to say, some were given dispensation to make further contact in a way that was deemed 'suitable'.  This was, as is always the case, monitored closely and only allowed within the very strictest boundaries of non-interference
in the sense that certain tools and knowledge could be gifted, but not thrust upon, the people. If it was refused then that was that. It is the right of any peoples to accept or decline any gift or assistance.

The ability to work with crystals and stones was within those people from the outset, as their heritage and DNA contained the knowledge of how crystals and stones are an integral part of their environment and existence. More over, an extension of themselves. 
It is not 'Mystical' in the sense that many humans may think of it today - it is a science. Their ability to use the crystals and stones from their landscape came from a  
knowledge and an understanding of how certain materials may retain and transmit energy when used in patterns and on certain of Earths magnetic lines ('Grid Points'). Such materials are useful in harnessing the Earths natural radiation (at a molecular level), some can capture solar power and even lunar capabilities (in the form of particles, though gentler than the suns).

All these uses were very natural and practical, utilised in crop growth, enhanced well being and health, healing benefits and were also used to aid in communication between groups.

Modern mankind is ever arrogant in its belief that only ITS ways are revolutionary.
They are only revolutionary in the context of this cycle of humanity. They may be considered quite poor and infantile if compared to the creations, inventions and ways of other cycles.


My Dearest One. Humanity comes and goes and has done so for many, many Millenia. It is a fact that Mankind may only sustain itself for a period of time before greed and power settle over him like a great, dark cloud and so begins the destruction. 
It has been so, many, many times.

It was so with the civilisation we are currently discussing.
Although not entirely the fault of the Humans in that particular Cycle (as the Earth Mother must also play her part), the peoples had within them elements who wished to take 'charge' and assume powerful positions over others. Greed is a facet of the Human Race unlike anything that is seen in almost all other races.
It is a powerful force that exists as a product of Human Choice. 
A choice between peaceful existence, with love and harmony and sharing, will only be retained amongst a human population for so long before some individuals become belligerent and wish to own MORE than their neighbour. 
You have witnessed the ugly side of greed on the Earth recently, have you not? (I feel that this was in reference to panic buying that had been seen during recent events).
It becomes like a poison or a cancer amongst a civilisation and has been the downfall of most in which we have had great hope.

We see much much of it now on the Earth and it concerns us because we have seen this many times before in many cycles.


Simply put 'Yes', but they all must all be of one mind, in agreement. Not so simple.

And so our Atlantean friends fell into the abyss, both figuratively and literally speaking.


This occurrence was three-fold. Greed came upon some who banded together in some areas across the continent to exert their collective power over the majority. Battles were fought and many innocent people lost, as a show of force this demanded obedience.
The Bands therefore gained control of the Power; now controlling the Crystal and stone grids, they had an even tighter grip on the others, commanded by others still, this power was being gravely misused. They were at the point of using this beautiful, life giving, healing energy of the Great Mother to destroy that which they did not like - to weaponize the elemental energy, if you will. 
The Earth was shifting and growing and this, combined with the misuse of the natural power combined to cause a series of catastrophic events. 

It saddened us to watch. To witness these events and watch your children, your own protogees, so determined to exterminate one another. 

And so it was decided that the Earth would be left to her natural way of cleansing. 
That interference would teach nothing to those who were left, that the natural course of things, this cycle, had come to a close.


It is true to say that. But from this much wider and broader perspective, is it not just as cruel to pluck the people off of the planet and then set them down somewhere else to do it all again?

It is a lesson, life. All of our interactions are building blocks of knowledge and advancement.
The lessons cannot be deferred or cut out because they are painful - even when they cost physical lives. It leaves the rest to ponder the lessons, learn from them and then modify their behaviour in the future, which is the foundation for generations to come. 

It is not our place to Play God (for we are not He) and intervene when it suits us to do so. We abide by the Universal Spiritual Laws and they cannot be circumvented.  Just as gravity exists as a physical law upon the Earth - if you jump from a high point THAT law says that you will fall and possibly injure yourself.  You can not negotiate yourself around that law.

What we do wish is that the knowledge of these previous cycles of civilisation and their details, existed more at the forefront of the minds of humanity, so that they might understand and learn the lessons for successive generations.  

Until these are fixed in the Human Psyche as facts and not simply as fairy tales or legends, these are, by and large, wasted experiences.

But, the knowledge of All exists in the ether, that every single person may access it.

This is the very Truth. May it lead humanity to do better and be kind always.

With our love and thanks we honour you, our Child.

Until we shall have the opportunity to speak together again. 

Ever your Friends and Teachers


All Copyright Reserved I A Austin 2020


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