Please enjoy this latest communication from the Higher Beings whom I work with. Today they discuss Light, Time, DNA Restructuring & the New Earth amongst other topics. *********************************** 'As we watch over the changes taking place on the earth at this time, we observe several factions being formed and this does offer us some concern, yet it is nothing that any of our Friends should worry about. There is a time for everything and all will be smoothed away in the end. There is nothing ever made by the Great One that will not be mended and balanced. We, your Friends and companions of the people of the Earth, are wanting to extend our love and our hands out to you all at this great moment in your shared history. Times of such magnitude are not often seen within a lifetime; we refer to the changes taking place on many levels. These are occurring on the 3rd dimensional level that most of you understand as your reality, as a result of the great influxes of what ...