Today's post was given to me directly from my Spirit Guides and Teachers in the World of The Spirit.
I achieve this through Automatic Writing (or in this case 'Typing'!).
Here's a little explanation of how this process works for me:
My Guides will often signal to me that they wish me to write something down, by giving me the first sentence of a subject they wish to speak on. I 'hear' this Clairaudiently (this is conducted 'Mind to Mind' or telepathically) and I often feel a very relaxing, comforting, light trance state descend as I begin to write.
Although I remain aware of my surroundings at all times during the process and could stop writing at any time I wish, I usually feel extremely motivated to continue to write until the entire message or Teaching has been transmitted through me and onto the page.
I will occasionally notice a particular word or get a feeling of the theme of a piece, though I never know what has actually been written until I have finished transcribing the Teaching and I am free to read it for myself.
I work with a group of between 4 or 5 individuals on the Other Side of Life who work in total partnership and cooperation with me in order that the greater Universal Truths be brought to all those, in our World, who may benefit from them. These Teachings are NOT dictates.
At no point do the Spirit People say that you 'Must' or 'Should', as the great Universal Spiritual Law of Personal Responsibility is always at play; We are Responsible for our own lives.
I would also add the caveat, that as with all Spiritual and Philosophical Teachings, you take on board only those parts that interest you or ring true in your Spiritual Centre. If you disagree or read something that raises questions within you, this may be a positive sign of growth OR something to investigate further. But always feel free to discard that which does not chime with you, personally.
I only publish the Teachings handed on through me as they are intended to spark conversation and new ways of thinking, not to be followed blindly as ABSOLUTE.
There are plenty of organised World Religions out there if that is what you wish.
It is my simple hope that you will gain a little knowledge and understanding that will lead you to live with less fear, content that you are an Eternal Spirit Being experiencing a short sojourn in the World of Matter.
Today's Spirit Lesson
In changing your view of a situation or attitude towards it (say, a chronic condition, illness or relationship problem) you may allow stagnant energy, old patterns and stubborn ancestral wounds to be transmuted into a Pure, New flow of energy. This will allow new processes, new growth and ultimately, healing on many levels.
Never forget, you are your own personal Medicine Man or Woman and you are able to heal from ANYTHING (if it is in your plan to do so).
Sometimes a shift of perspective or a different way of doing things will provide the fresh surge of energy you need to unlock your own healing potential.
We say that if it isn't working, try another way.
There are infinite choices and possibilities, ways to look at a problem or mental, physical or emotional 'block'.
If you constantly walk the same pathways that bring very little new, creative or inspiring energy into your life, then, take a new path.
The beauty of life on the Earth is the number of possibilities and choices, ways that are available to you to face different challenges and create new patterns.
Fear is often the obstacle which blocks you or holds you back from such a refreshing change and surge of new, clear, Life Force Energy.
You have nothing to fear.
Fear itself is an illusion of the ego. Ego makes us believe that It is real and that fear can be debilitating at times, if you do not clearly understand where it originates from.
Like all things, you have a choice in the matter which is God-Given;
'do I listen to the lies that ego speaks or do I choose to realign myself with my natural, peaceful, loving state?'
Life is not meant to be simple. Look at the human body and all of it's complex workings and then expand this microcosm out to represent the entire World, the Universe and beyond.
If you could All remember this one simple thing...
'You remain, at all times, the Captain at the helm of your own ship.'
… then we feel that you would All enjoy so much more of your time here.
If something has ceased to work in your life, fix the thought first, then all else will follow.
Your Friends.
All Copyright IA Austin 2019©
(Picture Copyright not included)
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