Our Love, Formidable and Strong.
We come forth today to speak to you all of an issue, or topic that is naturally of great importance to you. Although we speak through the Amplifier of our Instrument (that which you acknowledge as 'Medium'), our greatest wish is that we may add a richness of knowledge and understanding to your lives as you hurry about on your earthly errands. If we may add depth to that which you experience, even in the far distant future, then we consider our task fulfilled and our purpose a very happy one. The Instrument is placed upon the Earth at this moment in order that we may (as a group) touch as many hearts, minds and Spirits as possible. To be Human is to be frail and suffer decay, to be Spirit is to know that the Whole Universe is of You and to realise one's Eternal Nature. How you suffer our Friends! It does not go unnoticed from our place of viewing. Each and every word uttered allowed to reverberate and be 'caught' (for w...