A Very Happy 2020 to you all! 

I wish you every health and happiness for the coming year and many blessings as you continue along your Spiritual Pathway and Life's Journey.

Today's message comes to us from Spirit, I hope that it brings you comfort and peace.

'There are several of us here who wish to give our voice to you today, so that we may be able to bring comfort and hope to all those who wish it.

We are two men who step forward to help to organise the rest and do so with great joy in our hearts for Service is the greatest Gift to God!

In your physical World now, the year has turned and fresh pastures lie ahead of you all. There is the promise of new adventures and blank canvasses that may be washed with whatever colour you feel appropriate. 
You draw on the experiences of the past twelve months and more and assimilate the lessons learnt, coming to conclusions of your own.
This is a time of great promise for you all and should be met with vivality (sic) and zeal!

A time for making plans and sowing seeds. We here in the Next World do not live within the scale of 'Time' as you yourselves do. There is no waxing or waning of the Moon nor passage of the Sun; We live in the infinite, stretched out before and behind us like a great highway, from horizon to horizon, on and on.

Therefore, we see things differently to each of you (although having once been of the Earth, we fully understand how you all live). 
Here we do not have the need for resolutions or a propensity to make promises with ourselves, perhaps to quit those things which are unhealthy or a liability! 
Obviously, without the physical body, such things become quite unnecessary.

We would only have you understand that there is much love here for you all, as you continue along your way- that you remain acquainted with the knowledge and comfort that you do not exist alone or apart from all else.
That each of you is a part of The Great Divinity itself and as such, can never be separated from the rest.

At this time of your Earthly calendar, your thoughts may perhaps turn to the ones who have gone on before you. We only wish that you do not look upon them with grief and sadness, but that you are knowledgeable of their continued existence within this Eternal World.

Ever difficult to explain to the layperson, we simply seek to make this Central Truth known to All; the 'Whys' and 'Hows' may be answered by far greater minds than ours.

It is simply put to you;

You are not ever alone in your journey and you, as all those before you, 
will go on beyond the physical shedding known as 'Death'.

Many times we have tried to reach so many of you, to extend a hand of comfort and strength across the divide. 
You may never see or feel us in your World, 
but know that we are always here to assist you in navigating your Pathway.

Forever your eternal friends and loved ones,



All Rights Reserved I A Austin 2020©


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