Welcome to today's blog post! It's definitely turned rather Autumnal outside (here in the Northern Hemisphere anyway), so time to cosy up in the warm, with a mug of something hot and continue our Spiritual Development in the comfort of our homes. I for one, am fascinated by today's topic on the existence of Angels. We are surrounded by images of beautiful, winged creatures, particularly as Christmastime approaches and as you would expect, every culture has their own unique take on the subject. Through my Mediumship, I work with many people who seem to be rather divided on the subject of Angels, their legendary hierarchy and the Archangels of Biblical and Kabbalistic teachings. So, I was absolutely thrilled when a discarnate Spirit Teacher decided to share with me, his knowledge on the subject, through the practice of Automatic Writing. A few caveats to begin: 1/ When I work with Spirit Entities through Automatic Writing, I unde...