As I was making dinner last night, I got talking to an old Japanese gentleman in Spirit.... I realise, as I write this that that may sound rather 'kooky', but as a Medium you get used to it after a while. It's not often that my Guides let just anybody i nto my awareness from the Other Side of Life, so I was immediately intrigued as to why this Spirit gentleman had been given a pass. I'm so glad I did listen to him (and another Spirit man, who makes a brief interjection), I did my best to write down what I was being told. It may be interesting for readers to note that whilst I am receiving information in this way, I am taken on a journey, through the eyes of the communicator. I see their memories of their life, the streets that they walked, the faces that were familiar to them, the sights, sounds and smells. I feel their emotions and even subtle changes in their mood as we communicate. Those who inhabit the World of The Spirit are very ...