Today's post was given to me directly from my Spirit Guides and Teachers in the World of The Spirit. I achieve this through Automatic Writing (or in this case 'Typing'!). Here's a little explanation of how this process works for me: My Guides will often signal to me that they wish me to write something down, by giving me the first sentence of a subject they wish to speak on. I 'hear' this Clairaudiently (this is conducted 'Mind to Mind' or telepathically) and I often feel a very relaxing, comforting, light trance state descend as I begin to write. Although I remain aware of my surroundings at all times during the process and could stop writing at any time I wish, I usually feel extremely motivated to continue to write until the entire message or Teaching has been transmitted through me and onto the page. I will occasionally notice a particular word or get a feeling of the theme of a piece, though I never know what has...